Bogus Morale Modifier chart

Home Forums Historical Black Powder Bogus Morale Modifier chart

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  • #155949
    Mike B

    It seems to me that the Morale Dice Modifier chart on p. 49 of the second edition rulebook is completely bogus. There are no morale modifiers for distance from the commander or distance to closest enemy unit. The attack column modifier is only a +1 (according to the QRS) not +2.

    The march column modifier of -2 is correct (according to the QRS).

    What do the rest of you think? Is it bogus or was the intention to actually add the extra modifiers and not discuss them in the text?

    Charge The Guns

    Hi Mike B, it is a mistake. The p49 thing has been reported already. The Command modifiers were put in to the Morale save table by mistake. Use the QRS on p196 for Morale saves. Also note enfilading, p53 is correct (re-roll misses) and p196 is wrong.

    Mike B

    Thanks!! My cursory search didn’t find the clarification 😎

    I love the new enfilade rules!



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Mark.
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