Bolt action British Airborne army list

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  • #190207
    Paul Rambridge


    It’s been a while since I played was looking at getting back into it.

    I am looking for advice on my first army list.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


    looks dope! I haven’t played an official game yet so take this with a grain of salt, but what I’ve heard on this forum and from seasoned players is that mixing LMGs and SMGs isn’t that effective since they are a “long ranged suppressing weapon” and an “up close and personal fire on the move weapon” respectively. But if it looks cool, then go with it!

    Paul Rambridge

    Thank you.

    I’ve heard the same. Makes sense I suppose.


    No problem!

    It all really comes down to what your playstyle is though. I’ve heard of people who use MMGs, Medics, and Tiger 2’s because their goal is to have fun. Historically British airborne squads had 3 SMGs mixed with rifles, so if you do go that way it’s cool.

    In the end, there’s no right way to build a list, just some ways that are more efficient than others. I hope that some players more experienced than me chime in their thoughts.


    That’s a very decent list for a British paratrooper Market Garden list. You’ll find it a bit challenging to play someone that has armor as you’ll have to get pretty close to knock them out with a piat or flamethrower, but that’s what makes it fun.


    Are there a few airborne theater selectors that allow tanks? Because the British had glider born M22 locusts and Tetrarchs, so there’s got to be a list out there somewhere that allows you to bring one for support.


    You could consider another National Characteristic instead of  Rapid Fire as that needs lots of rifles and you are “rifle light”. Perhaps Vengeance?


    Paul Rambridge

    Thank you for all the great advice. I have had a second look at the list and created two five man SMG squads and just given the NCOs in the rifle/LMG squads SMG for looks.

    This has given me one extra order dice.

    As for anti tank capabilities, I do have the light anti tank gun. The flamer and piat are an up close and personal option, but airborne are that kind of force.

    With this in mind, Vengeance dose seem like a better option especially if we are getting right up there and in there faces.


    nit pick – which IS important for rules / list questions… thats a MEDIUM AT gun you have in your list, the 6 pdr QF gun, not a light AT gun.

    The difference is a point of PEN (which matters for trying to damage tanks, especially at range) and 12″ of range


    Next, I’d never take 2 bodyguards on a HQ unit.  This is because you go above a 2 man unit and no longer gain the -1 to hit modifier which is one of the biggest defenses of a unit.

    secondly I’d take a bodyguard with the FAO, because the extra wound is always useful.  Out of preferance I’d give him a rifle because you want him hanging back as his artillery strike is a FIRE order (no movement) so you want him at range not up close and personal.  Also consider upgrading him to a Veteran so he fits in with the theme!  But I understand why you dont (points).

    If you do move a bodyguard from the officer to the (regular) FAO you end up with 3 points to spare,

    Paul Rambridge

    Oooo good shout.

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