BP2 small/tiny units and Howitzer questions

Home Forums Historical Black Powder BP2 small/tiny units and Howitzer questions

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    Hi there .I’m finally using the lockdown to read BP2 and tie it in with Supplements like Clash of eagles

    ok firstly- I noticed in BP 2 P.16 that the photos for small units show 6 model figures…. if I remember this was a tiny unit in BP1 ????

    secondly-  I game Napoleonics mainly and howitzers were present in batteries but in smaller numbers than its regular cannons, so is there any reduction in its firing stats?



    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Peter.
    Garry Wills

    One of the differences between first and second editions is that in second edition they moved away from defining units by numbers of figures to unit frontages. In fact it is the ratios between the frontages for different unit sizes that matter. When you do the maths in terms of figures the BP1 units are on average 122% bigger than BP2 units. The photo of the British riflemen of 6 figures, which would have been Tiny in BP1, fits at 20mm per figure into the bottom end for the range of frontage for small units in BP2 (120 to 150 mm, p.16). However, the other thing about the photo is that the unit is shown in a single rank, in the more conventional 2 ranks of figures it would be 12 figures and a small unit under BP1. It is a poor choice of photo really. In BP2 Tiny units aren’t actually given a size/frontage as they are not seen as ‘fighting units’, although you could go with 60% the frontage of a small unit, approximately 70mm.

    With regard to Howitzers in mixed batteries, I think most people stick with the 3:2:1, only using the special rules for howitzers, when the model is representing all howitzers.




    Big Al

    One other thing to point out in addition to what Garry has said.

    The supplements, like Clash of Eagles, were written for BP1. When BP2 was released, changes to some of the rules were changed. Things like the effect of skirmishers on artillery, units evading and the number of units that can attack each faci facing of an enemy unit. That was something in BP1 that brought about the suggested rule in the supplements for two Attack columns attacking a single unit in line on the same facing. The changed rule in BP2 has made that suggested rule and a few others obsolete.


    thanks guys

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