Bren carriers sharing an Order dice

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Bren carriers sharing an Order dice

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  • #170003
    Mark Prichard

    In the transport rules toward the back of the rule book, it allows transports to carry squads by splitting them between transports. In particular, they reference Bren carriers that have a transport capacity of 5. It states that the vehicles use one order dice but are shot at individually. Does this mean they share pin markers also. For example, one bren is shot and hit given a pin marker and then the other bren is shot and hit and given a pin marker. Does this mean the unit has 2 pins when it performs its order test?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Mark Prichard.
    Stuart Harrison

    They are one unit, one dice and one shared lot of pins (unlike spotters where they share a dice but are explicitly “treated entirely separately in other respects – as if they were two units”).

    Remember that those rules are not a part of the main rules, they are optional rules that directly contradict things in the main body of the rules – if you agree to have them in play you need to resolve any issues they create.

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