Brigade morale conundrum

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  • #173871
    Big Al

    Bakblast, you can’t discourage 2 battalion Brigades. They actually existed and those following historical battles and Orders of Battle should be able to take them. If it is a fictional battle, then perhaps you have a case for that.
    An alternative solution is what you’re after and perhaps you need to House Rule it.


    Big Al, I agree when using historical OB’s!

    I’m toying with a one time leadership test for a two battalion brigade when a battalion goes shaken, or (and?) when a battalion breaks. Failing the role results in the brigade breaking. It would make the brigade more fragile, yet it would not be automatically broken.

    Big Al

    That sounds like a good solution. I know what you mean when you say failing results in the brigade breaking, but I would rephrase that to say it would result in a broken brigade. In this game breaking means it is removed from the table ;-).


    Agree with all above and it’s about finding a solution that fits the way you want to represent history.
    It’s worth bearing in mind that 2 Battalion Brigades are more costly as a Brigade Commander (worth his salt i.e. SR8) is 25pts , that’s almost the cost of a Battalion. That soon adds up if you have several Brigades of 2 Battalions each and you’ll quickly get outnumbered on the battlefield.

    Big Al

    Napoleon, that may be true for those few that play with points. Doesn’t work for those who play scenarios or use OOBs!

    jose carlos

    In my club minimum 3 units/brigade

    Dr Dave

    Every french non-Guard cavalry brigade in the 100 days is only 2 regiments.

    Charge The Guns

    Weren’t they really small units as well? Perhaps they should be dealt with in Divisions instead?

    Dr Dave

    That’s a very good point CtG

    Most of the French Cuirassier regts at Waterloo are small, some would be tiny. It’s easy to remember this. Just think of their accomplishments on the day, and that’s also their unit size: tiny.

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