British Units and Machineguns

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  • #189556
    L.T. Russell

    I think the British Automated Infantry are a clever idea….however, while I have no problem with the idea of a 10 foot robot toting around an MMG or HMG and firing it from the hip, why aren’t they suffering a minus for using a crew-served weapon without having a crew and/or a range subtraction for not having the gun on a tripod?  Same with the Galahad armored infantry.  These guys appear to have some sorta chopped-down Lewis Gun affixed to their arm, but again it’s a crew-served weapon without a crew, being fired hand-held….

    The Warlord Games group I game with routinely refer to the “The Cheaty British”….

    Attention Span Labs

    I did not realize that the Galahads each had an LMG! I assumed they were assault rifles, like everyone else’s powered armor. Wowzers. They also have both Resilient AND Tough, too. They’re slow, but since you can plop them in a Kangaroo, who cares about that?

    L.T. Russell

    Howdy Attention Span Labs!  Yeah, I’ve played my Germans against a couple of our Brit players and those squads full of MGs are murder.  About the only saving grace is that Automated Infantry don’t hand-to-hand very well….IF I can get my Schreckwulfen and Nachtjaeger ON them.  Schreckwulfen riding in Hanomags idea is what got me into Konflikt 47 in the first place….


    “Schreckwulfen riding in Hanomags idea is what got me into Konflikt 47 in the first place….”

    Now that’s gotta be a sight to see.

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