
Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Bunkers

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  • #178813

    Hi all, after reading rules on p.127 about bunkers, I have a couple of queries –


    how many figures can fire from them, is it the same as for buildings (2 per opening).


    Im planning on building a few camouflaged bunkers for our Pacific games, in the style of log reinforced, dug in bunkers. How would you treat them – as p.127 bunkers, or as hidden dug in positions?


    thanks in advance,




    From rulebook “…Bunkers follow the rules given for buildings with these exceptions:…”

    and no exception follows on the fire from the openings, therefore by regulation two models fire from 1 opening.

    Then in a friendly game, if the opening is large enough nobody forbids you and you friends to establish that more models can be fire from a large bunker window.

    For the second question, I can’t answer. I had a look at the supplements for the pacific theater but I found no indications (but I only took a quick look).

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Steeljackal.

    Depends if you think the bunker could take a 122mm howitzer shell (heavy howitzer as found on the soviet SU152 – biggest gun in a BA army)… IF you think the bunker can withstand it then take it as a bunker if not then a building…

    or you can take it as a heavier constructed building and say it needs an extra 1 or 2 hits to destroy


    EDIT – the only time I’d only go with the rules as written is a tournament /pickup game.  Against club /regular opponents feel free to tweek the rules (ie how about trying down in a dug in only adds an extra -1 instead of doubling the benefit)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Nat.

    Thanks all.

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