Can Guns Move and Shoot in V3

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  • #190946

    I haven’t found an easy way to search the forum for past responses, so I apologize if this has been asked before.

    I’m just noticing that V3 and the new V3 German list no longer give AT, AA, or HE guns the fixed rule. That rule now only seems to apply to machine guns and mortars. If they don’t have this rule and the errata did not correct this as an omission, does this mean light and medium guns now move 6″ and shoot?


    They are artillery guns.  Therefore they are covered by the Core Rules coverning artillery.

    They would need explict exceptions to be able to advance and shoot.

    So page4 125 “All artillery pieces are fixed weapons”
    page 92 all Autocanons, AT guns, medium & heavier mortars and all howitzers have the FIXED special rule

    so…. yeah… when a unit entry says it has a super heavy AT gun .. that means it has the range, shots, pen & special rules of a super heavy AT gun … including movement restrictions (ie needs a tow to move at all)


    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by Nat.
    Stuart Harrison

    “I’m just noticing that V3 and the new V3 German list no longer give AT, AA, or HE guns the fixed rule. ”

    See the Weapons Chart, MRB p92 and repeated p314.  All those weapons have fixed in their entries on the chart.  I can’t explain why Warlord felt the need to delete the fixed rule from the individual unit entries and rely on a re-wording of the first paragraph of the ‘Arc of Fire’ sub-heading, p125, seems like a counter-productive change from what they were doing in previous editions.


    Thanks. That clarifies it. I was used to seeing the fixed rule in the unit profile and now it’s not there. However, it’s very clear from the artillery section cited that they are all fixed.


    Overall this adding to my disappointment in V3. There doesn’t seem to be any consistency or editing. If they put a rule on one page that says all artillery is fixed and don’t list it in the unit profiles, it seems like they should have put one rule that says all machine guns and mortars are team weapons and not put that in each profile, or list all applicable rules in each profile like they did in V2. It would have been easy enough to just put fixed in each artillery unit listing.


    Stuart Harrison

    “It would have been easy enough to just put fixed in each artillery unit listing.” – It would have been even easier to simply NOT remove it between second and third editions.  Maybe they were worried about line count adding up for all those artillery entries…?

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