Canadian Army List (Fanmade)

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  • #147685
    Nathan Rich

    Dear Community,
    I´ve created a Canadian Army List by myself, because I´ve thought that it would be great to have Canadians as an own Army in Bolt Action.
    So here is my completed Army List and I would be happy about some Feedback!
    Nathan Rich


    Interesting ideas, but I’m not sure they special rules hang together- what made you choose them?

    Extra pins is crippling. I can wipe out an inex unit with 4 shots. Were the that brittle in combat? They are worse than shirkers for no reduction in points.

    Is fantic or stubborn warranted (even at 1 point)? What mades you offer that? I’m not sure I recall any actions where Canadians fought to the death…?

    Mobile assault – ignoring the -1 to hit is a US rule as they have semi auto rifles, the Canadians did not.

    Dismounting from a running transport (24″ with a wheeled truck) with a fanatic unit and running at the enemy 12″ puts your units between 36″ and 48″ (depending on deployment rules) down the table on turn 1. Chuck a Capt in there for +3 morale and test on 10s. Not sure that works…

    Outflanking – I’d argue that this makes them better than most raider units like the LRDG and SAS… were they?

    Land assault – again – why are they better shots in the water?

    Nathan Rich

    First of all: Thank you very much for your detailed Feedback, Richard!
    What made me chose those Special rules: The If-Day was a day during the IIWW were the Canadian Army disguised as German Soldiers and simulated the Invasion of a Canadian City to made the Population buy more warbonds ( however, I agree to you that Fanatic for +1 Point is too much. I think I will leave it with Stubborn.
    I also agree to you that the additional pinning markers are to hard. At the Moment I´ve created this rules I thought it a good idea, because the Canadian Soldiers were mostly volunteers who never really fought before and were Kind of shrikers, but Maybe I will stick to making the Inexperienced Units Shrikers and reduce their Point Costs.
    I´ve Chosen the Land Assault rule, because I was quite sure that the canadians were known for attacks with Landing Crafts and so were also trained in Fighting in shallow water. I think it would be smart to only give this rule to the Canadian Land Assault Forces Section.
    The other two Campaign Characteristics are like you mentioned somehow overpowered and I am not sure why I´ve created them.
    I actually think that I have overhaul the Army List and reupload the new Version of it in a few days.
    I would be happy if you would respond to my proposed changes and I would be happy About Feedback About the new Units I´ve created in that Army List.
    And thank you for your Feedback!
    Nathan Rich

    Stuart Harrison

    Any particular reason you’ve made the Skink so much more lethal with the Hispano cannons as opposed to the Polstens? You’ve made each of their 8 shots equivalent to a light AT gun when the rounds are virtually identical – only a 10 to 50 metre per second increase in muzzle velocity. That would be a marginal increase in pen at best (dubious if worth anything in a game with broad brackets rather than fine increments), not 2 steps up the ladder.

    Nathan Rich

    Thanks for your Feedback, Stuart!
    I see your point and actually I finally see that there are Major flaws in my thoughts about the Canadian Army List. I don’t know why I haven’t seen it in the first place.
    I will also change that and will delete the Hispano-Suiza Cannon Option. You are right, it is not realistic and way to overpowered. I don’t know what made me create this rule. I will Post a overhauled Version soon.
    Nathan Rich


    OK interesteing I’d never heard of ‘If D Day’.

    Special rules: why not ‘add’ one to the options on the Commonwealth units? So give them another choice but keep the basic free obs and barrage rules. Pick something interesting and well documented to guide you.

    How about ‘Volunteer Army’: Keen but inexperienced
    All inex units are green. This makes the army interestng as it encourages the use of inex units.

    Also perhaps create force selectors for a particular battle to ‘guide’ the formations so for example they might have to take 2 inex units and an inex officer as the compulsory units.

    Tanks that never saw combat – I’d suggest experimental would work for them – always requires an order test. Problem with enemy with 12″ is you have to measure it… and that will give away ranges.

    The skink – the Hispanio cannons: Perhaps a better option would be +1 pen on the Lt autocannons AP rounds? A 20mm simply does not have the range nor punch of a 45mm AT gun or 2pdr.

    Nathan Rich

    Thanks again Richard.
    I especially appreciate your idea with the inexperienced Units being Green.
    I also like the idea of the experimental Tanks always have to pass an order test.
    But I think I would also Contain the possibility of making the Canadians Stubborn, because of the If-Day. I think it is a very interesting “story” Behind the rule and is also warrantable.
    I still think about what to do with the Skink. However I think it would be Best to erase the Hispano-Suiza Cannon Option, because at least they are normal Light Automatic Cannons like Stuart Harrison has already mentioned.
    Nathan Rich


    In that case why not look at the canadian beaches TO&E on D-day and write a selector representing that force they make them stubborn in that selector? The advantage is stubborn, the disadvantageis they are limited in what kit they haev (I guess little in the way of support weapons)

    This means you can give the whole force stubborn without breaking things in generic selectors. The Canadians weren’t all paras (that’s who normally get stubborn) but they could have been in certain events.

    Just a thought 😀

    Nathan Rich

    These are very good ideas. I will now start working on the overhauled version. I guess I will be able to publish it in the following two days.
    Nathan Rich

    Nathan Rich

    Hello everybody!
    I am really sorry that it has taken me so long to overhaul the Canadian Army List, but I had several things to do. Sorry.

    However, I have now finally overhauled the Army List, using the community´s hints and suggestions. Again thank you!
    I hope that I have understood the suggestions right and would be very happy about feedback concerning my new Version of the Canadian Army List.

    Nathan Rich


    Lt howitzer – nice idea, but losing the -1 to hit is a bit much, better than a rifle armed trooper. Just leave it with the 3″ advance – that is pretty powerful already.

    Dieppe – I’d add in the Churchills, universal carriers and dingos. they were pretty pivotal to the battle.

    Nathan Rich

    Thank you Richard!
    I will change the things you have mentioned.
    What do you think about the new Units I have added to the list and that the Army Special Rule is now a National characteristic which is an important change I guess?
    Nathan Rich


    Canadian Land Assault Forces Section what does it do not sure but maybe change it to the 1st Special Service Force.
    What are the Pacific Coast Militia Rangers?
    Canadian Paras, designated as 1 Can Para, part of the British 6th Airborne Division so they can be taken from any British Airborne book.
    If you ever get the chance check out the movie the Devils Brigade and a good book to read is by Farley Mowat, And No Birds Sang. He was an Officer in the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, this was a Militia Unit that fought in Italy.

    Nathan Rich

    Hello John! Thanks for the feedback and the suggestions! The Pacific Coast Milita Rangers are “ancestors” of the modern day Canadian Rangers military forces of the Canadian Army ( I appreciate your ideas and will add them or change them in my Army List. Thanks.
    Nathan Rich

    Nathan Rich

    Hey there,
    I´ve now added all the new suggestions and ideas and have completed Version 3 of the Army List.
    Nathan Rich

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