Canadian Army List (Fanmade)

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  • #148803

    Hi Nathan, I have read your outline on the Canadians th1. In the Ortona Battle for mouse holing why not use the British Special Rule of Blood Curdling Charge would allow the Canadians to charge and the Enemy can’t react, for Dieppe see if any of the special rules could be applied for the Canadians landing there or come up with a special rule that could be used in the landing. I have been looking at both these battles, Dieppe you could look at making a Scenario for Green Beach where the South Saskatchewan and the Queens Own Cameron Highlanders landed and almost made it to there Obj. Lt Col. Cecil Merritt won a V.C.


    Hi Nathan, just adding my thoughts on the Battle for Ortona, would be to come up with a Scenario, using mission 10 Hold Untill Relieved with the Germans having to hold Ortona and the Canadians having to push them out, for Dieppe it could be Demolition Canadians have to destroy a Radar Site and get back to the beach. Also for a 3rd Battle you could look at the battle for the Falaise Gap, with the Canadians fighting at St. Lambert sur Dives. The Canadian Troops were the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the 29th Armoured Reconnaisy (South Alberta) Regiment Maj. Currie also won a VC there.

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