Colour of Kriegsmarine blue uniform ?

Home Forums Historical Cruel Seas Colour of Kriegsmarine blue uniform ?

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  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Guy.
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  • #163173

    Can anyone advise what colour paint I could use for the kriegsmarine uniform ?

    Mark Stanoch

    I was advised on the Mosquito Fleet FB group to use dark blue. But I will use Vallejo German Camo Green for the figure with the helmet.


    I use a mix of dark blue and grey.

    Kriegsmarine uniforms

    Mark Stanoch

    How about the life vest? What color is it?


    I paint them in sand yellow.

    Kriegsmarine life vest

    invisible officer

    First you have to decide about area and time of year.

    In Northern areas the dark blue dress is normal. But even there in warm weather many wore white trousers and in hot summer many served in shirtsleeve order. Or even topless. Not to forget the white-light grey working dress.

    Officers in summer often in white jacket. With blue otr white trousers.

    Officers with peaked cap, the Co wearing the white cap cover. The ratings with dark blue sidecaps. The steel helmet became common for AA crews with increasing allied air power. There is a nice picfrom 15th VP flotilla in Channel in summer. Blue shorts, topless but steel helmet. No Life vests!

    As stated by Nmcabe cadas the typical lifevest was sand brown, esp. those with air floatation. But the older style kapok ones (Very common for Vorpostenboote ) came in many variants, from sand over true yellow to dark grey-brown and even black. There was no standard of type on a vessel. A picture from 1942 (Schwabenland Geleit action) show a gun crew with full vests, belly vests and none at all.

    The typical gun crew wore a mix of dress. In small vessels at least, in bigships there was more spit and polish.

    In bad weather waterproof clothings in black or dark grey are worn. Machine personal wore grey protective working dress. Not to be seen in Action on big ships but in Vorpostenboote and similar the action station for the reserve men was at the guns.


    In Mediterranean area a typical board dress was mid brown, cut like a battledress. It replaced the white summer dress.Caps in blue. Few wore the sun helmet on board.
    In Black sea that dress was worn in summer but blue one in winter.
    And naturally the summer “dress” described above.


    Thank you everyone for your assistance

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