Combined Armies

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  • #190434
    Steven Woolley

    I create scenarios based on historical events and was wondering if you can combine two national armies/forces together (Italian and German)? In Russia, the Italian Army Expeditionary Corps had the German 318th Infantry Regt and 10th Panzer regiment fighting together and fielding PzKpfw IIIs and IVs. This joint Italo-German force was led by an Italian and consisted mainly of Italian Bersaglieri units with the German 318th. Combining a force like this was successful as the Italians hardly had any armour to shout home about that could even compete with the T34s. Also the Alpini fought alongside German mountaineering troops, so again a cooperation that worked. Does Bolt Action allow you to do this?

    Stuart Harrison

    Generally no unless you’re using the optional rules in Appendix II, p215.  The main thing to consider when proposing this is interaction of national rules, particularly rules which affect the whole game not just individual units.

    Even that is intended for multi player games, not for a single force.  There are a couple of specific selectors/scenarios in campaign books that allow some degree of combined forces, but they’re only relevant if using that particular selector or playing that particular scenario.

    How any of this changes in Third Edition, we’ll see in a month’s time…

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