Command vehicles: the SdKfz 251/10 cannot be deployed

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Command vehicles: the SdKfz 251/10 cannot be deployed

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  • #190717
    Fabrizio Anastasio


    The issue in brief: by the current rules, it seems this vehicle cannot be deployed.

    In the current rules, the SdKfz 251/10 (grants command vehicle) is an option of the SdFkz 251/1 Hanomag.

    Yet, you cannot buy it into an armored platoon as the 251/1 is considered a transport so it doesn’t appear in the armored platoon on the app.

    You can buy the 251/1 as a transport in the infantry platoon… and there you can also buy the 251/10 variant that grants the command vehicle rule. But you cannot buy a command vehicle if it isn’t the platoon commander.

    How to solve this problem?

    Stuart Harrison

    “But you cannot buy a command vehicle if it isn’t the platoon commander.” Where is the rule saying this?  Or the rule you’re taking as suggesting it?


    Fabrizio Anastasio

    It is an error message on the official app.

    For example, if you create and Italian armored platoon and choose the “light semovente” with the command option, if it isn’t the platoon leader the app tells you it is an invalid choice.

    Stuart Harrison

    Apps are ‘tools not rules’ – they can contain errors.

    What vehicle had you selected for your command vehicle?

    I can’t test on the app as I don’t subscribe to it, but there is nothing in the command vehicle rule or the armoured platoon selector that prevents command vehicles also being in the second mandatory vehicle slot or the optional vehicle slots if you’ve satisfied the required command vehicle slot.

    Out of interest, I just tested on Easy Army (also tools, not rules) and there was no problem having a platoon of 5 SdKfz223, all with command rule.

    If the app has a link for queries, I’d ask them the same question I asked you – what rule are they relying on for the restriction they’ve applied?

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