
Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Commissar??

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  • #189355

    Good Night..

    The “green” rule that allows a check to raise the morale of the inexperienced squad when it suffers the first casualty, but if an inexperienced Soviet unit with said rule benefits from the commissar rule, (NOR ONE STEP BACK) and this when killing one of your soldiers, the question is: That unit is considered to have suffered a casualty and checks to raise its morale from 8 to 9.

    If yes, where does it explain otherwise?

    Thank you and excuse my bad English.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by David.

    Rules-wise, i don’t think so. Not One Step Back says a model is removed, but doesn’t specify a casualty is taken.

    That’s how I read it, at least


    No,  remove models is a specific step that occurs after taking casulties.

    You make your green check at the taking casulty step, so therefore the commissar bypasses this.  However you havent suffered any casulties, therefore you can still take your green check if you then get shot later in the game.

    However this is a commonly misplayed rule (I got it wrong while playing against one of the WL guys a few years ago… it was only while talking about the game later that we both noticed that it shouldnt happen)

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Nat.
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