Community Introductions

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  • #155646

    Hello, it’s Xavier
    I am French and sorry if my English is average!
    my nickname is pattonx
    28mm collector in WWII for more than 35 years
    I’m mostly on 1/50-1/48 models
    and referee of the 2019 Bolt action French championship

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by cornet.
    john cadice


    I am John. During the day, I am a mild mannered games company owner and creative director. In my off hours, I am a madman with paint and plastic. Warlords has really excited me, and I hope I can contribute to the group.

    “Then we shall fight in the shade”


    Hello! I’m Damond from Tacoma, Washington in the US.

    I play a lot of WWII in 28mms (6’s and 15’s well) and a slew of historicals, fantasy, and sci-fi. I play Bolt Action, Konflikt ’47, and Warlords of Erewhon.

    If you ever make it to the Pacific Northwest check out the local convention, Enfilade usually held the last weekend of may.

    Ian Titler

    Hi, I’m also Ian. Can’t manage the lot, though wife says depending on price she might help, maybe you could pm me – but if you come to split, I’d be interested in any/all of the British.
    Not that far away, in Newport, Shropshire.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Ian Titler. Reason: Wife said ask price
    Witch Racer

    I’m Richard from Grantham in the UK. some of you may have seem me running the Discworld Witch Racing game at some of the shows. I’m into Bolt Action (I have German and US Army’s) and also Cruel Seas. I have built a Captain class frigate, an LST and a German Destroyer in 1/300 scale.

    Michael Pryor

    Kia Ora. Hi there everyone,
    My name is Mike and I’m from Hamilton, New Zealand.
    I play Bolt Action (Kiwis in Italy, Russians, Fallschirmjager in Italy, Heer in Italy, French Foreign Legion at Bir Hakeim, US Marines with more to come), Black Powder (1812 Russians) and occasionally Hail Caeser (Vikings).


    Hi, I’m Paul from Northern Ireland. I have only recently been inspired to get involved in the hobby again after a near twenty year hiatus. I am very much interested in the conflicts of the 17th Century and am currently considering starting on armies of Covenanters and Confederate Irish/Montrose Scottish. Pike and Shotte is exactly what I was looking for. It’s newb friendly. I am hoping that a Wars of the Sun King supplement may be in the offing and that Warlord will produce an accompanying line of figures.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by paulkirk187.
    Don Delis

    Hello, my name is Don from Sacramento California. I play BA right now. Working on US Army figures for the Pacific. I also have US Marines, Japanese and Australians. Saw a post on FB about LoE with pictures of a game. Thought I would check in to see what’s what.

    Deorc Sawol

    Hello. A Spanish player here.

    Warlords of Erewhon is my first and (at the moment) Warlord game but I have to say that thanks to it I’m enjoying very much my old and never before used orc army. Other medieval fantasy game’s rules were too confusing and unfair for me, never enjoyed them, and in Warlords of Erewhon I’ve found very easy but at the same time profound and fun rules.


    I just purchased Black Powder II (I’m enjoying reading the book) and have started collecting Perry plastic ACW minis for both the Union and Confederacy. I also have collections of 28mm Dark Ages, Medieval, WW2 and Chechnya; plus several Warhammer 40K collections. I’m primarily an historical gamer/collector as I enjoy reading about history and a good set-to!

    John Sowerby

    Hi, I’m another John, ex-pat Brit living in Miami, Florida.

    I play a lot of boardgames, but for miniatures, I play Starship Troopers, and am now working on Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, and Cruel Seas (limiting myself to Brits and Germans). I’m also working on some Pike and Shotte era stuff, but for a skirmish game, rather than any large scale battles.

    Barney Dicker

    Dear all,

    I’m two years back into gaming and have a 2000AD bias. I like games with custom dice and openness to rules/play modifications. So I’m REALLY enjoying Strontium Dog. Hats off to Andy C and Gav T! There’s so much to get into, without it becoming convoluted. The DIY elements come in at just the right points. The minis are also great – transforming the comic strip into 3 dimensions with nice, dynamic poses. Interested in exchange RE: 2000AD and game modding in the forum.

    All best,


    gamechangersdiy [at]


    My name is Christophe. I’m french
    Regular customer of Warlord products
    Love to paint especialy but also playin “Pike and Shotte” (Renaissance period) and “Black Powder” ( Napoleonic)


    Hi All

    Just back on forum, had first game of BA in about a year and loved it.
    Trying to get local clubs to do a few more games of HC but we have fallen under the spell of Lart so hard to get a game.

    Will work on it

    Colin Bunting


    Name is Colin, from Louth in Lincolnshire (UK). Just started playing Warlords of Erehwon.

    That’s it, really! At our club we’ll give most things a try.


Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 312 total)
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