Community Introductions

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  • #179901
    John Spencer

    Hi folks,


    My name is John and I am based near sunny Blackpool.

    Recent convert to black powder, spent most of my gaming with games workshop.

    Still learning black powder, building the French from the starter set


    Hello Dudes and Dudettes,


    My name is Marcel and i’m currently sitting in Treves, Germany. After (mostly) turning my back on a well-known miniatures-manufacturer that got a little too greedy for my taste, i finally managed to buy my first Gates of Antares models and i love them. I don’t know if i ever felt that excited to actually play a game (even if that’s probably not gonna happen very soon).

    The more realistic hard-scifi feel of Antares is a very welcome relief to the ultra grim dark fascist-super-knights fighting space-demons, robot-skeletons and naughty-space-elves (which can be good fun, too – but feels a bit over the top lately).

    I seem to have an inherent talent to kill things with my mere interest, so i apologize in advance should BTGOA go out of print as soon as i have finished my first army list 😛

    Be excellent to each other!


    Herr Krauter,

    I read your post with interest. I began my relationship with Warlord Games 5-6 years ago through the BTGOA portal. I had freshly joined a club and one of the old hands (a now retired foot surgeon) game-mastered a pretty straight forward engagement between Algoryn and Boromites. It helped that he was a very good painter, as well. About 8 of us gathered around a 7×5 foot table, playing on a 4 x 6 mat with suitable terrain, and we basically went at it–all for the first time. I was hooked from then on. Since then, I have gotten involved with TOH, BA, and K47, collecting and building armies, being very satisfied with the quality of the product, the gaming systems, and the customer service. Currently, I have Ghar Empire, Ghar Rebellion, and Concord armies; the latter still need painting up but I collected all that I need for it. If we can ever get past the pandemic several of the club members would like to do a campaign, among us we have the original six/seven armies on hand. I hope y0u find some playmates as it is a lot of good fun, lends itself to masterful tactical play (I am a retired army officer), and still retains enough surprise and chance to keep everyone engaged. In short, I really like the game system.

    Best of luck and good gaming,

    Sam Wilson, New Jersey, USA.



    My name is Chris Coffelt.  i reside in Mid-Missouri. I am a huge fan of Warlord Games. My recent attention has been on Black Seas. But I also play Bolt Action, Cruel Seas, Hail Ceaser, and Black Powder.

    Sadurian Mike

    Hi, I’m Mike (aka Sadurian Mike), a member of the old forum back in the day. I’m a contemporary military historian by training and education, currently working as a civilian contractor to the MoD. I have interests in most periods, although Late Medieval/Early Modern (what used to be called the Renaissance) and C20th are my particular areas of focus.

    I’m into wargaming as much for the painting and research as for the actual gaming, and would much rather play a ruleset that feels historically correct and reflects the period than one that ‘gives a fun game’.


    Hello, Mike:

    I read your introduction with interest (all the way across the Atlantic!). I, like you, have a military background (retired Army officer; combat veteran; battalion command). I also like certain historical periods, perhaps: ancients; Arthurian period; Napoleonic; AWI; ACW; and 20th century. However, I also am drawn to a series of games sets, rules, and scale–all available from Warlord Games. Right now I am working on developing early and late WWII orders of battle for Polish military ground forces. I am planning–along with members of our club (check us out online at  a series of battles of an early WWII campaign (Invasion of Poland) and Market Garden; plus the Polish 1st Armoured Division history as part of the 1st Canadian Army.  I also enjoy the Konflikt 47 game system and concept of peeking at the alternative history, of sorts, of WWII. For a break, I will try even fantasy games with the shared good cheer of others, especially Dracula’s America.

    I attach a photo of a recent K47 game: Soviets v. Germans, Central Poland, 1947

    Best of luck in your gaming pursuits,

    Sam Wilson, LTC, USA (Ret) & Member of the South Jersey Gamers Association (SJGA)


    Sean Schoonmaker

    Hi Folks,

    I’m in Oakland, California, working in Business and Leadership Development for a defense/LINAC firm, but in a previous life, was a 21-year USMC combat veteran.

    I’ve always loved WWII naval (and aerial) warfare, so I’m thrilled that Warlord is doing Victory at Sea.

    I’m a serial hobbyist, and love building and painting miniatures and terrain for a vast array of games, both historical and science fiction.


    Hello, dear community people

    Yangos (or John) here, Greek archaeologist living in Brussels. Very interested in ancient warfare and fascinated by WW2 naval actions as well, particularly in the Pacific theater. Won a few Victory at Sea fleet packs in a writing contest and am currently hosting play-by-message tabletop sessions for my friends via Discord, in this new COVID era.

    Mostly here for the ships, I gotta admit. Hope to stay for the people too. 🙂


    Moin moin,

    IÂŽm Thomas, I live in the northern part of the Ruhrgebiet, I am a veteran of the german armored artillery, I think thats the reason for playing Bolt Action, its my favorite tabletop game, I play  the German Army – sometimes in support with the Hungarian Army, but most of all i enjoy playing Russians, they are a lot of fun, lots of different units and you can even play Ork tactics used in other tabletop games  😉

    make tabletop great again


    Hello All,

    I am Hami and I am based in Scotland, I mainly play Bolt Action due to the period it is set in. I am an amateur 3d designer and 3d printer and some of my work can be found on my instagram account @AH_3DHOBBY.

    I am looking forward to talking to everyone on here.


    Hello all!  My name is Charles and live in Oregon outside of Portland.  Small group here that enjoys playing Bolt Action.  I enjoy both the model building and playing.  I hope to expand to playing the various sea based games and Pike, but since I have spent a small fortune on Bolt Action I think I stay with Bolt for the time so my wife doesn’t leave.  Working on the Battle of Berlin set now and Ham and Jam is on the way!  Awesome game, only wish I would have swung by the store in the UK when I was over there last year.  Always looking for more players in Oregon!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Charles.
    Curtis Kitchens

    With great sadness I am informing Warlord Games that I will not be purchasing any models from their Victory at Sea line. Without exaggeration
. neither will anyone I know or who I game with regularly in my major metro area of Dallas Texas. The reason? The tragic mistake to produce models with attached bases. It is the first and only question from all of us. “Are the bases permanently attached?” “It looks like it.” “Too bad that looked like a good game.” The choice of scale is perfect. The sculpting is perfect. The marketing is perfect. The packaging decisions, like Cruel Seas are perfect. But the models are waste. I would have bought the whole collection. Thank goodness this mistake was not made with the Cruel Seas series. I wish you well with this release, but I would seriously consider rolling out a modified set of models at some point with bases removed and then you will open up the market to so many more of us. Please. Thanks.

    David Glerum

    Hello tabletop commanders! My name is David, 34 from the Netherlands(Zeeland, should any local read this).
    I recently got the Band of Brothers starter set and am now firmly hooked. I have yet to play against an opponent, however after assembling the forces I played some solo games,
    which were very entertaining(if somewhat biased towards the US para’s).
    I have no idea which army to go with yet; I am however planning to boost both sides of the starter set to 1000pts so that I can introduce some of my friends to the game, and hopefully
    drag them down with me.
    While I am new to Bolt Action, I am not unfamiliar with tabletop wargames. I had several armies of a well-known fantasy based wargame, however due to corporate greed and
    utter disregard to the players from aforementioned, I gave that up some 10 years ago.
    I am now however back in the saddle, and am currently working on getting all my starters painted!
    See you around,


    Hi all,

    My name is Torin based in Warwickshire, tend to play Fantasy and Sci-fi rather than Historic as think I toured to many battlefields as a kid.

    Have played Antares a few times and like it but struggle to get to any sort of club due to work commitments so tend to play at home – but Son now very PC orientated so lost the game buddy.

    Just picked up Judge Dredd and loving painting them and like the look of the Graveyard Shift solo rules so that will be good for a fair while.


    Question for anyone though, do we know what future plans still exist for the 2000AD licenses with Warlord?

    Cameron Fleming

    Dear All,

    My name is Cameron, I am based in Lancashire and interested in all history post 1600. In terms of bolt action, the love of my life is my jatkosota Finns and Soviets (the terrain also makes a great Christmas village much to my housemates’ dismay).

    I am currently working on a Danish army for a few 9. April 1940 games by converting Warlord Poles in greatcoats and throwing in a few motorbikes for good measure. There isn’t a list yet for the Danes (not that I would expect there to be! the war only lasted 4 hours!) so I am using the Norwegian lists in the ‘France and the allies’ book as the basis for the army lists. I also play British Paras 1944, Norwegian Commandos 1943-44 and have been known to raise partisans to fight the invader! I am still really keen on the sealion books too and there isn’t really an aspect of WW2 that I am not interested in.

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