Community Introductions

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    Marc Titley

    Hi, my name is Marc and I enjoy playing Bolt Action. I have occasionally played in tournaments at my local store, Incom Gaming at the 2 pigs pub in Cheltenham. I also enjoy playing through the scenarios in the Campaign Books. I was pleased to see that The Eccentric Man had joined the forum and can thoroughly recommend his you tube channel. When time allows I hope to post some pictures of some of my armies under development

    Bernd B.

    Hi all,

    my name is Bernd, I am German, living in Ireland … and more a collector and hoarder than a gamer. Main interest at the moment is Doctor Who, but also a soft spot for anything Renaissance.



    Hi, I’m Chris from Manchester UK.
    Got back into gaming nearly three years ago following almost twenty years away from the hobby. Bolt Action was the hook that got me back in and then SAGA. I’m currently working on ACW with 19th Century American history being one of my big interests.
    I’m mainly painting rather than gaming at the moment, due to various commitments, but I do have a Test of Honour demo arranged at the Warlord store in a few weeks…

    Charlie Clay

    Hi I’m Clay. I live in NW Arkansas in the US and play Bolt Action WWII, Black Powder Napoleonics, and Hail Caesar Ancients all in 28mm.

    Andrew Parker

    Hi, I’m Andrew, I’m in Reading, UK, and I play Bolt Action and Saga. I’m looking to play Exterminate as well.

    Anthony Miles

    Tony “Jabba” Miles back to the forum now it’s up again.
    Norfolk UK.
    My armies are 28mm Napoleonic British/Portuguese for Black Powder and 15mm Union ACW for non Warlord ruleset Brigade Fire & Fury.
    Have also played Pike & Shotte and many other games of different periods and different rules.

    Slyde Klewlis

    Robert, I live in Clark County, Vancouver Washington. Age 53. My Armies currently being painted are Imperial Japanese Pacific Island Defenders and USMC. I am wanting to run a Pacific Island campaign. I am a new player, prefer playing 2nd Edition rules with the FAQ and Errata changes. Currently I am almost finished painting a pacific Island Defenders IJA army for page 112 of the New Guinea Campaign Book. Its halfway done; 86 models. When that’s finished I will take a breather and make some more terrain fortifications then start in on the USMC models. I just finished up a jungle table with bomb craters and mud. Please to meet everyone. I just want to give a shout out to all the podcasters who keep me motivated and on task, Ghost Army, Snafu, Down Order, LRDG, Northern Front. If anyone can recommend any other podcasts to check out let me know please. Thanks.



    I’m Loïk from Paris (yes, the one in France) and just drop back in games a couple of years ago. So now I’m another grownup playing with minis ^^ but I’m still a kid in the gaming community.

    A friend of mine introduced me to WG range with a bit of Bolt Action and quite a few Antares play (he’s the guys that has painted every single BtGoA army). But so far, the only WG game I own is Blood Red Skies.

    I really enjoy it, went full-in once it was available at FLGS and will certainly get any incoming planes in the future.

    I’m also considering to start a Virai army in the future.



    Hi everybody,

    I am from the south east of England and have an interest in Test of Honour.

    I played a demo game last year and this month decided to take the plunge. The game seems pretty cheap to get into though it really seems to benefit from complex scenery, of which I have none.

    I have bought the Ronin and starter set. The ronin are pretty cool though incredibly fiddly to create. I am a little disappointed with the lack of detail in the plastics in particular the faces which look like a blobby mess. The metal ronin faces look pretty good though.

    I don’t really know many players around me so I am hoping I will be able to get enough games or at least have the club (Near high wycombe – England) take it up in some manner.

    Really looking forward to my first game tonight!

    Boyd Bearden

    Hello. My name is Boyd. Retired US Army MP. I love to build models and dioramas. I have recently gotten into Bolt Action in the last few years. My first purchase was the Band of Brothers starter. Since then my collection has grown. I work in anything from 1/72 – 1/6 scale. A marine buddy and myself started a non for profit group, where we bring Military history to Elementary and Middle schools in my state. We call it, History in Miniatures. The kids and teachers love it. So many children don’t know about Pearl Harbor and such, in public schools anymore. Bolt Action made it easier to display and add more content in 28mm. We were using 1/6th and 1/35 scale.


    Hi. I’m Chris from manchester uk. I play a few games. My latest game is Dr Who but I’ve still yet to finish my British Zulu army.


    Hello all,

    I’m… Mellal, a french player of Test of honour, Blood Red Skies and Strontium dogs soon. That’s for my “historical” part, I also play many other sci-fi, medfan, strange games.

    I’d be glad to talk with you about games 😀

    Max Remington

    Hey Guys! I’m in the USA and new to the game. I’m an author and my screen name is the hero in a new action adventure series I’m writing. Looking forward to hours and hours of learning and playing BA.


    Hey Max/Hero, the USA is kind of a big place, what part of the home of the brave are you from?

    Nicky P Gardiner

    Greetings all.

    I am Nicky P Gardiner, I play Gates of Antares mostly, having three armies, Concord being the largest, Ghar and also Algoryn. I also play many other skirmish games. I am looking to also use Warlord Games, Black Powder range to play some Muskets and Tomahawks game.
    I amongst other things am a writer, having written two novels and having been published in many magazines as well as Dimensional Gates (the second gates of antares anthology) I am Essex based and we have our own group who regularly game and we are looking for more members to join us, so if in the area check us out:

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