Community Introductions

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    Jeff Ingersoll

    Hello, I live in Oklahoma. I have been interested in history for many years. World War II is one of my favorite subjects. I have only recently begun to collect and paint Bolt action minis. I have been collecting and painting for over 30 years. I have learned a few new painting techniques over the years, most of them over the last few years. I like to use acrylics. I think I have improved my skills greatly. I enjoyed Sascha Herm’s article on painting US infantry very much.

    Gao Qiu

    Hi everyone!
    I live in France and Test of Honor is the only Warlord game I’m playing. It’s my first “historical” game (using the term loosely here), though I’m not new to miniature games by any means.


    I’m Dan, UK based (near Cambridge). Not got the game yet but looks interesting, gonna post a question up and go from there!

    James Brewerton

    Great to see the forum back
    I am James Brewerton and am a full time commission painter based in Crewe Cheshire. I am busy painting a few Bolt action armies but my main period is SYW which I play with Black Powder.
    My Facebook page

    Jeff Brewer

    Jeff from Canberra, Australia.

    I’m here to chew bubble gum, and paint Exterminate miniatures, and I’m almost out of bubble gum…

    I recently acquired two core sets, Davros, Missy, and a half dozen other expansions (mainly the Doctors and Companions).

    I haven’t played the game yet, but am looking forward to painting lots of Daleks, Cybermen, and “good guys”. Then I might have a crack at the solo scenario… 🙂

    Peter Motas

    Hey guys,

    Peter here. Live in Stockholm, Sweden.
    Enjoy playing Bolt Action from time to time but my main passion is the painting part.

    Painted a bit when I was a teenager, then hade a break for around 12 years. Got back into painting around 2 years ago and that was also when I started with BA.


    jose carlos

    hi, i’m Jose Carlos, living in Sevilla, and playing bolt black powder and hail caesar and started pike&shot. thanks for add

    Bill M.

    Hi Gents

    I am so glad this is back!

    Bill M

    Niklas Rosenlind


    Im back for this forum too, really wasn’t very active in the old one but really appreciate all information and discussions you folks contribute with.

    Niklas, Sweden

    Edward Green

    Hello all, my name is Eddy and live in Chicago, IL. Although I have been painting miniatures for the last seventeen years, this year has been devoted to painting up Celts and Romans for Hail Caesar. As a longtime amateur history nut, my wife and I walked the whole of Hadrian’s wall this summer which only inspired and focused my interest toward the historical period of early imperial occupation of Briton. In fact, I’ve just finished Boudica as general of my celts.


    Hello! I’m Andre, I have been playing Bolt Action #1 off an on for 2 or 3 years now, and have now move to Bolt Action #2. I play Bolt Action here and there when I get a chance, I live in Jacksonville, FL. If you are in the area maybe we can get a game in.

    Gene Evans

    Hello, I’m Gene and I’ve been trying to get into Gates of Antares and I’ve been hearing the siren call of Konflict ’47.

    I live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

    Trevor Reznik

    I’m Alex, from Moscow, Russia. I’ve been playing in Bolt Action for half a year, have a small (1500 points) army of Imperial Japan.
    Also, i’m been preparing army for Hail Caesar ( Seleucids).
    Glad to see you!


    Hello, Justin here. In sunny Preston, UK. Wargaming for 47 years now and run my own wargames business. Just picked up Bolt Action V2 for me and a friend. I now have 3 BA armies to be built and painted (US, US marines and Germans).

    Gus Zepnick

    Gus… I run a LGS in country Victoria, Australia… also the local gaming club.
    Currently play (from Warlord) Antares, Bolt Action and Doctor Who… but like all gamers I am terrible at resisiting anything with cool toy soldiers.
    – my oldest son (13) plays Antares and Bolt Action… and like me is trying to collect and play everything.
    – my youngest son (11) is hitting Doctor WHo very hard.. he has just got a fortune in birthday money and has all the Daleks and Cybermen anyone could want… and is itching to get more Ice Warriors.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 308 total)
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