Confused Fight Question

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    I have a question about the Confused Fight special rule for the Surrounded and Manhunt scenarios.

    I believe it states that reserves can enter from any table edge except the one from which the last enemy reserve entered that same turn.

    My question is, if player X enters from table edge A on Turn 2 of the game, can player Y not enter from table edge A for the remainder of that turn?

    Or, is it that if Player X enters from Table Edge A with one reserve on Turn 2, draws another order die and enters from Table Edge B, Player Y can then enter from Table Edge A?

    The use of the word “turn” is confusing to me. If a player entering from one table edge locked that table edge for their reserves the entire turn, they could, if they drew and deployed 4 reserve units, in effect lock the entire table for the turn, not allowing their opponent to deploy any reserves.

    So, is it locked the entire turn, or just until they bring on reserves from another table edge?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by LukeZ.
    Master Chief

    Confusion reigns, the battle-lines have become completely disordered and reinforcements are pouring in from all directions. All units entering the table as reserves can enter from any point on any table edge, except the one from which the last enemy reserve entered that same turn. This means that at the beginning of the following turn, the first reserve can come in from any table edge – watch out!

    My understanding of “… except the one from which the last enemy reserve entered that same turn.” is that you cannot enter on an edge where the preceding (last) enemy unit just entered. The edge is not “locked” for the entire turn, just for the next enemy unit entering. So in your example, if the next Order dice is yours, you can enter on any of the first 3 edges, but not the fourth one.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Master Chief.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Master Chief.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Master Chief.

    I’m of the opposite opionion to Master Chief.

    The game is split into 6 (or more) Turns. Page 57 (I think… ebook version) has this

    During each turn, order dice are drawn ‘blind’ from the dice bag one at a time. When a player’s order die is drawn he must use it to activate a unit. Once all the dice have been drawn, or once all the units capable of acting on orders have done so, the turn ends.

    So until the End Phase you are in the same turn so yes an Edge is ‘locked’ once a unit has come on from that edge.

    EDIT – also when you are resolving an order die, you are doing just that – resolving an order not taking a turn.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Nat.
    Greg S

    I’m with Master Chief.

    except the one from which the last enemy reserve entered that same turn

    The word last is important.


    Thank you for the replies,

    I have to say I think Master Chief is correct

    As Greg said, the key word is last. This way the next sentence in the rules makes sense, that in a new turn, the first reserve can come on from any table edge.

    If it was locked the whole turn, then someone with a good draw of 4 order dice could keep the opponent from bringing on any reserves and that would be broken.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by LukeZ.
    Stuart Harrison

    I’m with Master Chief. There is no suggestion of edges ever being locked beyond that last enemy reserve that entered. Finishing with “That same turn” just puts a limit on that consideration.

    They don’t count if they came in the previous turn – that is the only implication of that one mention of “that same turn” in the rule statement. It’s then stated in the following sentence “This means that at the beginning of the following turn, the first reserve can come in from any table edge – watch out!”

    Come the next turn, you’re not worrying about the last enemy reserve because it didn’t enter “that same turn”.

    Paul Nettle

    I am with Master Chief as well. The wording is very clear.

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