cost of Spanish Guerrillas?

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    richard zamudio

    I realize that that the cost of units may be “meh” to those in England, but I will ask anyway. In the book, Albion Triumphant, I can’t find the cost of Spanish guerrillas. Is this an oversight, or am I just not looking hard enough? Thanks for any help in this matter.

    Charge The Guns

    Hi Richard, after a quick glance through it looks like you’re right and guerrillas, although included in the run through of Spanish troops, are missed out of the points summary at the end of the book.


    Doesn’t surprise me…there’s points and stat inconsistencies in several armies across the 3 Napoleonic supplements


    However the points are very easy to work out…if it’s not been answered (and I remember) I’ll work it out for you tomorrow


    Irregular = -5 points
    weapons = no cost
    H2H = +4 points
    Shooting = +4 points
    Morale = +12 points (3 pip, counts down from 6 to 4+)
    Stamina = +8 points
    Marauder = +5 points
    Bloodthirsty = +3 points
    Default formation (skirmishers) = free

    So total cost is 31 points for a SMALL unit
    to go to a normal /standard size then add +8 points
    to go to a large add +8 (or +16 from a small unit)
    to go to a tiny its -13 (the cost of becoming a tiny unit is flexiable … )

    EDIT – I’d missed off bloodthirsty and default formation rules!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Nat.
    richard zamudio

    Thanks, gentlemen, for all the prompt replies. Makes me wonder why such costly books have the errors/omissions that they have!


    A little defense for the omissions from the points summery section – they are the points for non historical pickup lists using the mix and match brigades, and some units (such as Partisans, both Spanish & Russian) dont appear in these.  The section with all the units and back ground info are there for the people doing historical lists /matchups & scenarios with no thought of points.   This is the vain which BP2 has gone down… (ps: the points are mainly from the V1 rulebook – some I’ve had to extrapulate from other Napoleonic units costs, such as the tiny (which is anything from -5 to about -12 points from memory!).

    Warlord do have a re-occuring theme with proof reading and consistancy checking with their publications :/  It comes (I belive) from the mindset of producing framework rules not the ridgid rule sets you see companies like Battlefront, Privateer Press, CMON (and Games workshop with their later editions)

    richard zamudio

    Well, in my own defense, I prefer game systems with points! I have always felt that games without a point system to be lacking completion. I really enjoy painting and using  obscure and sometimes rag tag units (Spanish guerrillas or Austrian Landwehr). Without a comprehensive point system, it is often quite difficult to use such units in games. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate  what is available in COE and the Albion Triumphant volumes! I just want more. It is like buying a pie with one or two slices missing, you kind of have that nagging feeling you didn’t get all that you paid for.


    Oh I’m on your side…If you’re going to include something, include it for everything.  But like I said, WL have a habbit of being un-consistant 🙁

    richard zamudio

    And the important thing to remember is that, at the moment, this is all that we have to work with! Just hoping that there might be a book about the 1809 or 1813-1814 campaigns! One can only hope!

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