Damaging Soft-skin vehicle

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  • #186247
    HellRaiser 7

    When a hit (+6) is scored on a soft-skin by small arms, do you roll for superficial on the damage chart (-3) or is it automatically destroyed? Or what is correct damage rule for soft-skin vehicles?


    Jacob Carter

    The correct method should be roll to hit, roll for damage (6+), then roll on damage table to see what happens.

    Soft skins will never roll for superficial damage since that’s for armored vehicles only, also you do not apply the modifiers for shooting at sides and rear to soft skins

    Hope this helps!


    I was also wondering about this point … um?

    So, can you please confirm that with a 6 in roll to damage does NOT automatically kill but we have to use the damage table?

    And what about the number of hit?

    For instance, a German infantry squad of 10 men fire at a US jeep. The get 6 hits. Now do we roll 6 times for damage using the table?

    I am confused …

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Steiner.
    Stuart Harrison

    So, can you please confirm that with a 6 in roll to damage does NOT automatically kill but we have to use the damage table?

    It only causes an automatic kill in close quarters (same applies to open topped damaged in close quarters) – from shooting you have to roll on the damage results table.  The only difference between soft skins and armoured in that respect is that the soft skin never benefits from superficial damage.

    And what about the number of hit?

    For instance, a German infantry squad of 10 men fire at a US jeep. The get 6 hits. Now do we roll 6 times for damage using the table?

    If you score 6 hits, your roll 6 times ‘to damage’.  For each successful roll ‘to damage’, you get a roll on the damage results table.

    HellRaiser 7

    Thank you guys for the clarification. Really appreciate it.

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