Defeating the Japanese?

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    Get some barbed wire. That will slow him down long enough for your infantry to whittle him down.

    Which army list is he using that allows 5 Bamboo Spear fighter squads??


    According to, ”Reinforced Platoon” can do that… I guess Volks grenadier are not a good counter against these fanatics… xD

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by SenInt. Reason: Removing script error

    Fully SMG/assault rifle-armed fanatics can do a number on Japanese bamboo spear squads.

    Thick SMG fire will already take a toll on charging squads, which will then have to beat a squad of soldiers who 1) will be killed on a 4+ or 5+ and 2) have the Tough Fighter rule.
    Therefore, Gurkhas, NKVD and SS are the way to go!

    Oh, and that whole “charge the closest enemy unit” rule can be fun. How would they fare when charging a KV-2? A dakka Stuart? A Kugelblitz? Any flamethrower-armed tank?

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