Dense Terrain

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    I have a question about dense terrain. Forests are dense terrain, meaning you can see in but not through. What about corn fields? Do you have to declare beforehand how high the grain is?

    Stuart Harrison

    You are supposed to define terrain before the game starts – this is where you would decide whether that corn field is actually dense terrain and rough ground, dense terrain but open for movement, an area of rough ground with soft cover, or just an area of soft cover (or some other permutation of movement and cover effects).


    Yes, that is one of the really nice things about Bolt Action is that you can define all your terrain on your tabletop as you need or see fit. But as Stuart said, this has to be done before the game starts, and agreed upon by all the players.

    If you want a patch of terrain to be soft cover and count as dense terrain, than so be it. Or you can simply have that patch of terrain just be soft cover (not dense terrain). Meaning you can fire through it. However, don’t overlook the idea of having a larger area of terrain like a big area of woods, but with smaller patches of dense terrain within it.

    You can even mix it up a bit if you wanted. For example, “These hedges provide soft cover, but for infantry units that goes down behind the hedge, it will provide hard cover.” Or even something like, “This patch of terrain counts as soft cover for units inside, but counts as hard cover when firing completely through it.”

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Kar98k.
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