Discrepancies and possible errors in the rulebook

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  • #184949
    Tobias Reich

    I have found one definite error:

    • Page 242: The torpedo entries for the Kuma class need to be as follows:
    • Table 1 (ships as built): The torpedoes listed here are the 10×4 Type 93 launchers of the Kitakami and Ooi torpedo cruiser refits. They need to be instead 2 Port and 2 Starboard Type 6 Torpedo launchers. See Tenryuu class for stats, 2 AD per launcher
    • Table 2 (Kitakami and Ooi torpedo cruiser refit) The amount of launchers per side needs to be increased to 5 (basically what is written in table 1)

    And here is a list of possible errors:

    • Page 132: King George V, 14″ guns have the AP and DD stats of 15″ guns (+2 / +3 instead of +1 / 2 or +2 / 2)
    • Page 133: Nelson, 16″ guns are missing the heavy trait
    • Page 172: Colorado, 16″ guns are missing the heavy trait
    • Page 174: Nevada and New Mexico, 14″ guns have the AP and DD stats of 15″ guns (+2 / +3 instead of +1 / 2 or +2 / 2). This basically means the New Mexico has 4 guns more and otherwise the same stats as the Colorado for 5 points less.
    • Page 175: Pennysylvania, 14″ guns have the AP and DD stats of 15″ guns (+2 / +3 instead of +1 / 2 or +2 / 2)
    • Pages 234-235: The Fusou, Ise and Kongou classes essentially use the same main battery guns and ammunition (Navyweaps.com). However the AP value of Ise is +2 while the other two have +1
    • During bad weather destroyers and MTB effectively cannot attack at all (only depth charges are possible). However submarines can use their deck guns and AA as normal when surfaced.

    Feel free to add to this list.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Tobias Reich.

    Hi Tobias

    A long list of stat, point* and rules related problems has been submitted to Warlord (including most of what you’ve listed here) and we are waiting on the studio to release an FAQ /Errata.

    However some of what appears to be stat typos is due to the stats having real world influences, such as ammunition (AP & DD, heavy Trait etc) and fire control systems (range).  This is why some weapons get range band changes during refits…. yes I wish they had said that in the book! (source – the author!)

    *The points issues can be summed up in one phrase – “they are not balanced in any way shape or form…. !”  most classes in the book have consistency problems.  Look at the Japanese destroyers or the cost of Royal Navy Radar upgrades for just 2 obvious examples..

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Nat.
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