Does a officer in a transport effect the transport reserve or flank roll?

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Does a officer in a transport effect the transport reserve or flank roll?

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  • #187216

    If an officer is a marked as sitting in a transport (aka, a Vet 1st Lt in a truck), what unit does the roll for reserve or flank marches, and if it’s the transport, does the officer’s morale bonus affect it?

    I would think it would not, and the roll would only be made by the transport, but I wanted to check.


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Comstar.
    Stuart Harrison

    Only the transport rolls to enter the table carrying any and all passengers allocated as aboard it at set-up.  Yes, the officer’s morale bonus affects the transport. Last bit about the officer’s bonus applying in reserve is specifically mentioned p 116, Vehicles, Transport Vehicles, Units Aboard Transports, last para, first sentence in brackets at the end.

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