DoW List CoE

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  • #188225
    Richard C

    Hi All,

    On pg 167 of CoE is the DoW list, I don’t know how you could ever make a all Polish 1,000 list.

    For a start 2 infantry brigades max, the 4th battalion was a depot unit and having a brigade of eight is hard to keep in control range of general.

    I would make regiments of 3 (historically correct as well), regiment gun for each regiment, horse battery for one brigade.

    Now my question, 0-1 Cavalry brigade, 1 for every 2 infantry brigades. 1-2 regiments in the cavalry brigade, so why to they say pick from 0-6 Uhlan?????

    The max you can have in 1,000 pts is 2 cavalry regiments.


    Am I missing something??




    The Brigade number restrictions are per 1K, the cavalry regiments are per army no matter the points value.  So a 2K list means you have 1 Div Commander, 2-4 Infantry Bdes, 0-2 Cavalry brigades.  Divisional Artillery is 0-4 Foot artillery batteries (still 1 for each 7 batallions in your list), Artillery Reserver is 0-1 Horse Artillery if you have 8 or more Battalions, same as the Heavy Artillery

    So a 3K list you can have 3 Cavalary brigades and therefore up to 6 cavalry regiments – however only 1 can be hussars, up to 3 chassaers so the last 2 HAVE to be Uhlans…..

    EDIT – ps the Artillery Reserve can be read as 0-1 per army (so total) or 0-1 per 1K with either 8+ infantry battalions to unlock OR 8 battalions per battery…. personally I read it as 0-1 per 1K so long as you have 8 or more infantry battalions in your army.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Nat.
    Richard C

    Thanks Nat,

    I thought that would b e the case so, it’s pretty difficult to create a DoW list without Allies.

    Richard C

    With Allies what are the restrictions, could I pull out a French Heavy Cavalry Brigade and not worry about the restrictions in the French list?


    Well the rules are…. a little bit open to interpretation.. they say you can take 25% allies from X list

    Now that would indercate that it should be a legal force (ie 1 Div Cmdr, 1+ Infantry etc)… HOWEVER this is a framework system and in reality you often had brigades sent to support another division*… so, check with your gaming buddies and go for the single French Heavy Cav Brigade on its own.

    *casing point Murats Cavalry being supported by a German Infantry division during the battle of Borodino!

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