Dug In and Cover cumulative?

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    we tried to play a scenario yesterday that had dug in units. I found the Errata that expands the modifier for dug in to -2 without and -4 with down but I am not sure if for example dug in along the edge of woods would provide additional -1 (or in the sense of an improved position dug in in buildings an additional -2 for hard cover). It seems too much as the -2 is already a lot and -4 can basically just be assaulted but the rules are really not clear on that and instead of labelling dug in “hard cover” refer to it as an additional “down” bonus…


    Stuart Harrison

    Nothing in the rules prevents dug in stacking with cover or any other ‘to hit’ modifier, it’s even specifically stated as combining with actually being down despite being based on down itself.

    The only ones that don’t stack are different levels of cover, ie: qualify for soft cover and hard cover, you only get the +2 for the hard cover, not +3 for combining them.


    Thanks. Thats a lot of stacked defense then 🙂


    Although thinking about it more its just more defense at a point where hits are pretty much impossible anyway so its not getting any worse and doesnt really matter…

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by RyanR.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by RyanR.
    invisible officer

    The rules are not esp against   digging in edge of woods as add on to cover.  So many use it. Its a game.


    In real life seeking cover in woods is a  recruits mistake.  It helps a bit against bullets but anything exploding at the trees produce an extra lethal rain of wood splinters.    And easy to hit.    That “A bridge to far AT ambush on Irish gds” ……….  The historical advisors gave the movie team good  hints and so the movie shows the effect nicely but the director insisted in that foolish ambush position.


    Veteran German AT would have chosen a position 100 + m in front of edge (or in totally open area) , well dug in and with good camo. Much harder to range in than a wood edge. At best in a haystack among many others.


    Buildings tend to let things fall on you.   If you have a nice dug out hole over head cover by a 39-45 civil building is good against rain but bad against grenades.



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