Epic Battles: Allied Troops & Missing Models Help

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  • #188568
    John Stiening

    First time Black Powder player here, and expectedly I have some questions. Having painted both British and French starter sets, I’d like to get started with the allied troops.

    What are you guys using for hanoverians? They have light infantry, landwehr, and jager. From what I can tell british line infantry could be used if I paint the shakos red. The prussian landwehr sprue for the landwehr, and the british ranked rifles as jagers. Ideally we’d have models with the distinctive red hats instead of shakos, but baring that is this a reasonable aproach.

    For the dutch I could use the British line infantry sprue, and for the Belgians the french infantry sprue. Is this in line with what others are using?

    One of the scenarios has rocket artillery, which I’m not sure how to field right now.


    How have you all solved these problems? Also, does Warlord publish a roadmap for miniatures? I’d hate to paint a bunch of proxy troops only to have correct sculpts come out.

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    donlt play epic so cant help on those questions – but on the model road map…

    NOPE, its a cross your fingueres and hope,  theres one or two models that where seen last year (either during the open day or during last years 12 days of christmas) that still havent been released /put up for pre-order & then you get things like EPIC BP which wasnt seen before release come along..


    I am using Brit Line for Hanoverian Landwehr and forgetting about the forage caps. Just keeping them in shakos and not bothering about the plumes not being central

    For Hanoverian light I’ll be using Brit rifle in line.

    For mixed order Skirmishe bases for Brit and Hanoverian I’m using minifig 15mm metals. They are slightly larger but as m only using two per base, because they aren’t ranked up then the size difference is not that noticable.

    As regards Dutch and Belgian, I am using Brit rifle in line as Dutch militia, Brit Line as Belgian line, and french line (without greatcoats) as Dutch jager.

    At that scale the small differences aren’t noticed and it really is up to you and what models you have available. There is a great rocket troop on etsy from TayloredFigures which is a fine fit in size compared to the warlord epic artillery.

    Hope that helps.

    invisible officer

    °From what I can tell british line infantry could be used if I paint the shakos red. The prussian landwehr sprue for the landwehr, and the british ranked rifles as jagers. Ideally we’d have models with the distinctive red hats instead of shakos, but baring that is this a reasonable aproach”


    The shako was never red, only the forage cap- So you might use Prussiam Landwehr. But in battle they wore the shako.  Line the Belgic, light infantry the stove pipe. Main difference in epic scale visible would be that the feathers are worn by Hannverians at the front, not the side. Unlike Britsh Light the Hannoverians wore green.

    Same head dress with the Landwehr. There Officers Belgic shako, OR Stove pipe. Dressed in red,


    Jäger like kielmansegge’s wore the field cap in fight. But no longer existing 1815  The later Hannoverian Jäger Battalion No 10 with Waterloo scroll worn in Imperal time   are doing that following the KGL tradition.  No Hannoverian Jäger at Waterloo.


    I saw the ramaining originals in Hannover and in Celle. Nice collections but now mostly in depot. Good to be a professional historian with access.

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