error korea war book????

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  • #171838

    by rereading the korea war book
    An image jumps out at me!!!
    page 110,the photo titled M36B2 jackson tank destroyer,is in fact a M36B1(on the hull of an M4A3, hull machine gun and armour 9+)the M36B2 is the last born M36 (use in March-April 1945)but with the hull of the M10 diesel while the M36, the first used in combat (September-October 1944) have the hull of the M10A1 with petrol engine taking over that of the M4A3.
    Then the M4A3 Sherman 75mm in regular is 205 pts instead of 195pts, this is the price of the M4A3 Wet (without the rule “easily catches fire”)but if you want the same it costs 215pts…!!! especially since the M4A3E8 is it always has 235pts and with the Wet!!!!!
    still on the sherman;
    the assault gun therefore the M4 105mm no longer has the gyro-stabilizer, so it is necessary to know that only the last M4 A3 VVSS and HVSS 105mm we received the gyro-stabilizer and an engine for turret rotation (but do not fight in europe!!!) and that the first us marines tank battalion in Korea had 18 M4A3 105 with gyro-stabilizer and turret engine…..!!!!! and without the gyro it is at 205pts -less option and more expensive!!!!!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by cornet.
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