Extra Skills and Mutations

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    My friends and I have been playing a campaign these last few months, logging about 20 games between us. We agreed to try out some house ruled mutations and skills, which I will be posting here.
    Anyone that has any extras of their own or suggestions on the ones we came up with is more than welcome to comment.

    These are the ones that I took for my band of brawlers.

    Weight of Fire Skill
    +1 Notoriety

    The character may fire wildly using a Double Action. They must divide available shooting dice (ignoring all Shooting dice modifiers such as Moving Fast, Range, Large Target, etc…) between available targets which all must be within their Focused Fire Arc. These dice need not be allocated equally but may be if desired.

    Ex. Orville Peck is cornered and the Crossed are moving in for the blood orgy. His only hope is his relatively high Shooting score. Because there are dozens of targets within the range of his blasters, Orville opts to use his Weight of Fire Skill, targeting 4 of the available targets (due to range and line of sight). He allocates 2 Shooting Dice to the closest Crossed, ignoring the normal +1 he would receive for Range Modifier (due to using Weight of FIre), and 1 Shooting Dice each to the remaining 3 Crossed, again ignoring Shooting Dice modifiers. Orviller better hope his legendary skill isn’t exaggerated!

    Tiny Body Mutation 0 Notoriety
    +1 Evade
    -1 Close Combat Damage

    The character is shrunken and midgetized. Their model must be less than half the size of normal (typically 15mm or less), and they may nor use a Heavy Weapon.

    Huge Body Mutation 0 Notoriety
    +1 Close Combat Damage

    Enemies firing upon this model recieve a +1 Shooting Dice modifier (Large Target). The model must be double normal size or more (typically 55mm or more).

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Findo.

    Body Mutation
    +1 Notoriety
    Because there is always Zombies. The character ignores Pinned and Injury markers (but not Stun markers) and may not use the Charge nor Sprint Double Actions.

    No one in our group has taken this yet. We are thinking to limit its use to minor characters only.

    -1 Notoriety

    Whenever the character takes an injury, they must make an unmodified (original value) Cool test or flee the battlefield. If the test is failed (no 2000AD results), the character is immediately removed from play and no side receives any bounty for them. In campaign games they count as being Subdued (must make a Cool test or be at -1 Cool next game).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Findo.

    Head Mutation
    -1 Notoriety

    -1 Resist when in Cover (so no net bonus for Light Cover, and only +1 net bonus for Heavy Cover)

    Skill(Robot only)
    +1 Notoriety

    Once per game, may go into Overwatch using no actions, even if they have already used all their actions

    Run & Gun
    +1 Notoriety

    The character may make a Snap Shot or Thrown attack in the middle of a Move, continuing the move after the attack (i.e. while moving from cover to cover)


    Shima(attitude of Death)
    +1 Notoriety

    The character enters an ever watchful stage similar to Overwatch (p17) but may make a close combat attack rather than a ranged one. If an enemy enters the ‘zone of Death’ (normally 4″ as for a normal fight single action) the character may take an immediate fight single action against that enemy. While in this state, the character is subject to the same general Overwatch restrictions as listed on page 17.

    Horse Cutting Blow
    +1 Notoriety

    When attacking a mounted model, automatically dismount any model hit in close combat (after Evade rolls if applicable), if the target has the Born To Ride skill, they take a Cool test and are dismounted if they fail it rather than automatically.

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