First game doubts

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    Hi, today we’ve played our first game and we’ve some doubts:

    Related to the turns, can you move three times and turn three times in the same activation (assuming that the ship has the red chevron) or you can only turn once per activation?

    We had a collision between a brig and and two ships that were grappled (one mercant and another brig). Wich rules we had to apply in this case? Do both ships involved in the grapple receive the collision? Can they evade (I assume not)?

    How does it work to fight a boarding in the second turn that they are grappled?

    For example the ship A boarded ship B, but in the second turn ship B is the first in the weather gage, so B fight against A. Do we use in this case the +1 for the boarding hit table or because is the second turn in the boarding we don’t have any bonus regardless if B fight against A or A against B?


    I can answer the first question. How often you move and turn depends on sail level:
    Light Sails – Move, turn
    Battle Sails – Move, turn, move, turn
    Full Sails – Move, turn, move, turn, move
    No last turn at Full Sails

    Capt John Sparrow

    Mr Crenshaw has nailed the first question but I have to admit to not being sure of the answer to the next questions.

    Common sense (LOL) would dictate that the two ships already grappled would be unable to evade, and would therefore automatically fail, so a collision is inevitable.

    This would be similar to being unable to avoid terrain.

    Multiple grapples (p25) would seem to deal with more than 2 ships being involved. A grappled ship, when activated on the second turn of the engagement seems to have three options:
    1. Repel boarders – by making an attack (p24 “Shooting at Grappled Ships”
    2. Attempt to disengage – by making a skill test
    3. Fight another round of melee (for want of a better term)

    I think.
    Shiver me timbers, that’s a poser, shipmate.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Capt John Sparrow. Reason: list error
    Steve Burt

    I think you can turn at the end of the third move if you have red turn ability – it is yellow turn ships that lose that third turn, although in our game nobody ever moved at full sail.

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