Flamethrowers No of Dice in shooting…

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Flamethrowers No of Dice in shooting…

  • This topic has 13 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Nat.
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  • #163848

    Ok, so the rules are clear..ish…
    “If you score a hit with a flamethrower the number of hits is multiplied into D6 (or D6+1 in the case of vehicle-mounted flamethrower)” E-version pg 66

    However the weapons table has the amount of shots listed as D6 (pg 62).

    So am I : i)rolling D6 shots with each success being D6 hits
    ii) rolling 1 shot, and if it hits counting it as D6 hits
    iii) rolling D6 shots

    Now i, is both the table & the special rule being applied by RAW. ii, is the special rule being applied only. And iii, is the table showing the rule (meaning the special rule is just for saying you take an extra D3 pins)


    Ok, cant edit the above post…

    I’ve checked the latest FAQ, and it has nothing.

    Now if you say its option ii (that is roll 1 dice to hit) why are you ignoring the the weapons table which clearly says a flamethrower has D6 shots, and if you ignore it then how do you know how many shots any weapon has?

    If you say option iii again why are you ignoring the part of the rule that says each hit is counted as D6 hits?

    Now I dont think option i is what is supposed to be because that could give you a potential 36 hits!

    So should the weapons table have been errated to read shots 1 for flamethrowers?

    Master Chief

    Good point, I have always played it as your option (ii), but now that you mention, it says “… the number of hits is multiplied into D6″ so if it is option (ii) then there will always be only 1 hit, so it shouldn’t say “number of hits” 🤔 So with the current wordings I am inclined to think it is your option (i).

    Option (i) means rolling D6 three times .. 1st time to determine how many shots I get, then if the result is say 4 I get 4 shots, 2nd time I roll 4D6 to determine how many of the 4 shots hit, and 3rd time roll D6 again to multiply the hits.


    I asked the same question, through the Warlord Customer Care Service, directly to one of the authors of the book.
    The flamethrower rolls only 1 die. If the shot enter then roll a D6 (or D6+1 for the vehicles) to check how many hits he scored.


    Greg S

    My understanding has always been that is one roll to hit, d6 wound rolls.

    Master Chief

    Glad to hear we have been playing it right. So I guess the Weapons Chart needs to be updated. Under “Shots” Flamethrower gets 1 instead of D6. The rules on page 66 also has to be amended, something along the lines like below:

    “Roll D6 to hit as normal. If you score a hit with a flamethrower the number of hits is multiplied into roll D6 (or D6+1 in the case of vehicle-mounted flamethrower) to determine the number of actual hits caused.”


    So the weapons table should be errated then! :'(

    @ Master Chief Thinking about that ..pg 66 is correct because you could have two (or more) flamethrowers in a unit

    Master Chief

    @Nat wow are there units with more than one flamethrower? So far I only play the US Army and none have more than one. I know the German halftrack has 2 flamethrowers but each has a different firing arc (I believe it is left and right) which means they cannot fire on the same target. Maybe the wording can be amended as such:

    “Roll D6 to hit as normal. If you For each hit scored a hit with a flamethrower the number of hits is multiplied into roll D6 (or D6+1 in the case of vehicle-mounted flamethrower) to determine the number of actual hits caused.”

    Anyway just a suggestion, Warlord Games will need to amend it in their next FAQ 🌝

    Stuart Harrison

    ” wow are there units with more than one flamethrower?”

    The German flamethrower team has the option to replace the single man-pack flamethrower with a pair of eintoss flammenwerfer one-shot flamethrowers.

    Master Chief

    Thanks Stuart for letting me know. I will be sure to try that out when I (eventually) get around to playing the Germans 😂


    Now we have a slightly different version of the OPs 3 options.

    Posted by United States Warlord Demo Team – USWDT on Sunday, 30 June 2019

    In this video, Jon Russell says that flamethrowers work like this:(I think)
    Roll D6 to see how many shots you get
    Roll XD6 to hit
    If you get ANY hits, multiply that one hit by D6
    Then roll XD6 to damage.(as usual)

    So you’d never get more than 6 hits.

    I don’t think this works with the way the rule is written either. It still doesn’t line up with “the number of hits is multiplied into D6”

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Chuck.

    Yeah I can see how you can take that interpretation from whats written.

    They’ve read it as:

    If you score a hit (which includes 2+) the the amount of hits if equal to D6.

    The issue with that is if you fire two flamethrowers from one unit at one unit do you still can only get D6 hits? Because the rules dont state that the hits have to be from the same weapon to be multiplied out to D6 hits…..

    Master Chief

    @Nat I think 2 flamethrowers from the same unit count as 2 separate “attacks”, just like 2 rifles from the same unit. So apply the flamethrower rules accordingly.


    No fast rolling for you then Master Chief….:p

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