Forgotten Factions – A unofficial Supplement for Bolt Action 2nd Edition (Alpha)

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    Greetings, I’m posting a little project I’ve been working on for awhile, a set of army rules and units for nations that while taking part in the Second World War are often overlooked. As mentioned in the title however this is a alpha document. I did my best with the content but I feel I need feedback from other players to really clean it up and make it shine. If this gets half decent feedback I am hoping to expand it out into a proper professional looking PDF in the veins of the Free French unofficial supplement, as well as adding the odd additional rule, unit or quote. Overall I do understand my knowledge of the game’s balance as well as the overall history of these places during the war are quite limited and am more then happy to receive any corrections on any text provided in this document. The contents in question are:
    * A full army list for Mongolia, Abyssinia/Ethiopia and Iraq.

    * New units, army abilities and selectors for each faction.
    * Text on the history of these factions and how they impacted the war.
    * Rules for new equipment, specifically simple bows and camels.

    All this is formatted with a index and FAQ section. Be aware that due to these factions making extensive use of foreign arms each require a number of books to properly run, mentioned in their own sections. If there proves to be some interest, I am hoping to add the follow in a later Beta document:
    * Corrected rules, historical text and grammar based on feedback.
    * A professional PDF format and presentation.
    * Insert of quotes and historical maps.
    * Profiles and rules for Khorloogiin Choibalsan, Haile Selassie I and Rashid Ali al-Gaylani.
    * Potentially rules for the Italian Co-Belligerent Army and the RSI (they were the original topic of this project but with the announcement of Tough Gut for August 30th, I wanted to see what rules were provided for these armies by official sources before committing to a homebrew variation.)

    Once again, feel free to give any criticism you might have, along with how you could see improvements being made.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Josh.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Josh.
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