Forward Artillery Observers in large games

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Forward Artillery Observers in large games

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  • #153685
    Robert Dawson

    Hello all, first post here.

    I am planning a large multiplayer game of BA that will run for (much) longer than the standard scenario 6 turns. I’m wondering what to do about artillery FOOs. Letting them only fire once seems a bit useless, every turn will be way too much.

    I’m thinking probably allowing 2 or 3 ‘shots’ for each FOO.

    Has anyone else tried this or used FOOs in larger games?


    Charge The Guns

    Many rule systems make FOOs achieve some dice role to call in artillery. The higher the number the less likely it is. In this way the artillery may fire more often, but probably not every time.


    From experience, the more turns added to a BA game, the more the nature of the game changes. Similarly, the more order dice added, the more the game changes.

    Not saying that is undesirable, but it might be considered.

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