FUBAR vehicles panic reation

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  • #190960
    the mysteron

    When a Vehicle suffers a FUBAR and a panic reaction to ‘execute a run order and move as fast as possible towards the closet table edge’, I can’t see how this can happen in many cases. For example in my game last night a tank after having moved straight on 9″ from the middle of long table edge suffered such a panic reaction. Performing a ‘run’ reaction only allows one 90′ pivot. So what happens? Turns 90′ and moves towards the distant flank edge! Performs an advance reverse order at half speed? Perhaps because ‘the unit can no longer move for some reason, it goes Down instead’?

    I’ve probably answered my question here. Obviously should the vehicle have the special recce run ability or be a angle which would allow such a run order towards the table edge it can perform this reaction.

    Thanks for reading


    the wording is a bit ???? and needs cross referencing other parts of the rulebook, the original v3 articles and checking the errata/FAQ… (and I dont have a rulebook near me at the moment to give page numbers !)

    but the meaning of the rule is IF you get a failed order check (with visable enemy in your front arc) / FURBAR runaway result you must move towards the closest board edge at the fastest possible speed (so *advance* or RUN halving if need), making the minimum number of turns needed to get round an obstacle /friendly unit(s) in the way.  If you are unable to move (immoblised for example)  then yes the order is automatically changed to DOWN!

    If you can move then you MUST move at *Advance* speed to the full distance OR off the table – yes this is the easiest way to kill a tiger… to day my kill record is 3 dead tigers.. 2 by pins and them failing the order check and running off the table (the other by a luck shot at point blank range when I mini swarmed it with 3 light tanks:p)

    EDIT – sorry reverse is at advance speed as standard.

    • This reply was modified 3 days, 6 hours ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 3 days, 6 hours ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 2 days, 4 hours ago by Nat.
    Capt Scarlett

    OK,  this is how it went;

    I tried to get my Panzer III to fire, it had a pip, so needed to pass an order test.

    The  mysteron used his special powers and made me throw a double six, which of course is FUBAR.

    I then rolled again, result of which was  panic, move at the run directly to the nearest table edge.

    The nearest table edge being 9 inches directly behind it.

    However, as I understand it, it can’t turn 360 degrees and run move?

    Therefore only turning 180 degrees, it couldn’t move towards the nearest table edge.

    What should it have done?


    1st off… my bad, I put run.. its reverse at best possible speed, normally advance speed.

    So the panzer III reverses at best possible speed backwards towards the closest board edge

    This would be advance speed halved – or 4.5″ as its a reverse.

    It being a tank will run over any standard obstacles like a hedge,  if it reaches something it cant go over (a building for example) it will make a pivot of up to 90deg in the direction that is shortest before it can make another pivot back to the same heading.  So if the building is 5″ wide with 2″ to the left and 3″ to the right you turn and head towards (backwards remember) the left edge so you can then pivot again and continue reversing backwards towards the table edge.

    So if it was a rece tank then the reverse would NOT be halved and it would have gone back 9″ and touched the table edge so gone bang!
    If it was a bi-derectional steering tracked vehicle (such as Universal Carrier) then it would reverse at a RUN and gone 18″…

    As it stats RUN command you cant shoot.

    EDIT – TLDR – The moving vehicle must end its move as close to the point on the board edge, that is in a direct line from where it starts to the closest board edge, as it possibly can having made the fewest deviations in direction.

    • This reply was modified 2 days, 4 hours ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 2 days, 4 hours ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 2 days, 3 hours ago by Nat.
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