General doubts

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  • #188482
    David Elosua

    Hello.  I’ve only recently had the game and I have a question:

    1. What is the real cost of the Bismarck, 450 or 600 points?

    2. Submarines can only change sectors by moving submerged or on the surface but not in depth?  I do not understand this rule, it is not logical.

    3. When a submarine is off the board how do you manage its movement?

    4. The flights are forced to move or can they stay still?


    Thank you and sorry for muy english


    1. … Warlord have said you go by FAQ then rulebook, then the cards (IIRC its 450!…. yes warlords points are abit off in places…)
    2 … Subs have 4(!) depths – surfaced, submerged, running deep & hidden – to keep teleporting subs to min hidden is to the grid square/sector – check out the subs 101 file I’ve uploaded in this thread for a re-word on how they work
    3 … see subs 101
    4…. see flights 101 (same thead) – They have no min move or min turn so even if ‘forced to move’ they can stay where they are :p

    5… also uploaded in the ‘news from the wardroom’ is a mtb101 & a turn guide called cheat sheet  – as well as a collection of house rules to alter the game play balance and/or bring some more historical feeling to games.   The 101 guides & cheat sheet are just re-words of the rulebook to answer questions that have come up a lot

    EDIT – PS, your English is great,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Nat.
    David Elosua

    Thanks a lot.

    I’ll take a look at those references.

    David Elosua


    AA batteries with the Local trait can shoot in the movement phase at flights that pass through them, but can they shoot at flights that come into contact with them in the movement phase or only during the shoot phase?



    Only during the gunnery phase.

    Reason- moving in to base contact is just moving in to range and not maneouvering over the ship there for the local X trait trigger doesnt activate.

    Note its only Local X that triggers during the movement phase not the AA battery itself.  ie a ship with AA battery 3 + local 2 will use 2 AD against every flight that goes over the ship (and base) but at the start of the gunnery phase will have 5 AD to allocate out against flights in contact.

    David Elosua

    Cool. Thanks a lot.

    I have understood perfectly. I found references 101 very useful. I have another question:

    a fighter can attack a ship? in the table on page 52 it states that they hit 5+ but all fighters have a 0 damage dice. In the submarine rules it specifies that they cannot damage surface submarines, but they cannot if so with the rest of the boats.

    Thank you


    Fighters can attack MTBs which is why they have an entry in the hit chart…. any thing bigger is too heavily armoured for their calibre ammo to do seriouse harm to.

    David Elosua

    Ok. It’s great that you answer so quickly. Thanks a lot.


    What can I say….I like the game, but feel its let down in part by the rulebook.  I mean some parts of the rulebook could do with being tidied up as the references they need to make sense are missing.  Or the rules have been changed and theres still references to those rules in the book (most noticably in the stats section with refits about DC range & restriction is speed when launching observer aircraft)

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