German horse drawn artillery officer.

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action German horse drawn artillery officer.

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  • #190871
    Witch Racer

    Am I right in saying that if my artillery is being towed by a horse drawn limber (page 91) I can have the officer mounted horse back.

    Stuart Harrison

    I’m not seeing any option for German officers to be mounted at all.  The provision for mounting officers in the second edition was dependent on having cavalry squads in your force – a limber is not a squad.


    Does the new special miniature, Josef “Sepp” Allerberger come with any special rules?  It would be “cool” to design special “hero” profiles for every special casting with their own point cost just for fun.  Players could agree to use them or not.  Any easy option is to allow you to buy a “single model” sniper unit at a reduced cost.

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