Halfling Cavalry restriction

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    I’m looking through the halfling list as this will most likely be the army I choose and I came across the mounted halflings unit(their only mounted unit that’s not a hero) and I saw they are limited to one per warband. So I went through the other lists to see what other armies had restrictions on their cav. I found that beyond centaurs (both on beastmen and Olympians) no other army has a cav limit like the halflings. I thought it was strange for such a mediocre unit to be limited in such a way.

    Is there something I am missing or is this as random as I think?


    Oh yeah also random other thing I thought was weird the warlord is a chief sheriff and the hero is a clan chief? Seems like the clan chief would be the leader of a warband.

    Don’t mean to nitpick game looks like a ton of fun and can’t wait to put together a warband.

    Tim Haslam

    Maybe the author didn’t see Halflings as being prolific horse riders? Just thinking about the background story that’s all?

    Barbarian cavalry, for example, could be nomad horse raiders etc.


    Yeah that would make sense if they were true cavalry warriors(as there would be few of those in a peaceful halfling society but they are (stat wise) just mounted sheriff’s riding donkeys, goats or large chickens.

    IDK it just seems odd. I am certainly no game designer so maybe it’s some kind of balance method. Halflings are meant to be one of the slower armies or something.

    Tim Haslam

    I was actually looking at Halflings as a future project, (after my undead and orcs!)
    I think halflings power is it’s good accuracy for shooting. I’ve yet to try a proper shooty army for this game. So no idea if it will work, just putting lots of pins on the enemy?
    I was going to add a cockatrice for colour, and paint it as a huge chicken. Maybe add a swarm, and use chicken models for that too?


    Yeah I have 3 units of archers in my list now, all with slings (no suitable Arty models yet) my militia have rocks to throw which on accuracy 6 is nothing to laugh at.My 3 urchin swarm have slings(going to try for 2-3 halfling models and a mix of sheepdogs goats and such on each base)and every unit that can has Spears to take advantage of my Acc 6 across the board. I was also thinking of adding some treemen dryads if I decide I need more beefy melee units as I am sorely lacking those with the halflings(urchin swarms being my best which is just funny)

    Rules question, if my urchin swarm says 3x Ranged and they have slings that’s gonna make a total of 6 dice per model when given a fire order?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Chase.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Chase.
    Tim Haslam

    I’m still thinking about the rules for urchins with rocks etc?
    I’m thinking slings are a little too powerful as they play at the moment. Possibly amending them to double shots at close range only?
    I love the idea of dryads for a combat unit or a treeman?
    So with your permission I may copy that idea.

    For artillery look no no further than the original Halfling Hotpot as sold by Games Workshop.
    I’ve just got a brand new one from GW as they’ve re released it to go with there new halfling blood bowl team.
    Prices on eBay are a bit silly for old ones.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Tim Haslam.

    Yeah I just found this Kickstarter by TTCombat that looks perfect for WoE.

    They claim Warlord games will be selling their product in August for WoE warbands. They have a hilarious model for stone thrower in form of a soup thrower of sorts.

    They also have great halfling undead models I would love to use for an undead WoE warband. This is where I got the idea for the treeman dryads as well they have models for them at a decent price.

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