Heavy Machine Gun HMG

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    Dear Comrades,

    My son used a .50 HMG in a M10 Wolverine against my panzergrenadiers.

    The weapons  has +1 penetration, the question is: if in long distance, namely more than half, more the 18 inches , does this weapon also suffer the -1 penalty for long distance losing kinetic energy or that is more for AT guns?

    Because in that case the HMG is only effective in short distances  i.e. less than 18 inches, where it retains the +1 penetration and the rate of fire is only 3 compared to the MMG with 5 dice. Losing the +1 penetration would be a big disadvantage IMHO

    Thanks guys for all the help and this great community.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Steiner.

    Its a heavy weapon.. all heavy weapons except flame throwers, shaped charges (panzerfausts etc) and HE are kennetic so lose energy.  However that rule is only applicable against armour, that is vehicles with a DV7 or more.

    Against softskins (vehicles that are Damage value 6+) & infantry you only have the modifier of the weapon on the damage roll


    So a HMG is always D6+1 against your panzer grenadiers, against a Halftrack front it is +1 and -1 at 18.1″… or +1 PEN, -1 range +1 side if hitting the side of the half track at the 18.1″

    does that make sense?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Nat.

    Great. It does make sense.

    It is good now. Thanks  a lot. 🙂

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