Hittite List

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  • #165867

    Hi All,

    Finally finished my Marian Romans, and now looking at the next army. As friends have Egyptian/Myceneans I am thinking that Hittite looks really nice. However, it does leave me a bit puzzled.

    In the army list, the chariots are listed as Spear and Javelin armed, with no option for bows. However at least some the models that Warlord sell come with an archer. So why the difference?

    As a solution I am thinking of allowing the Hittite army to have some 2 light chariots with bows as subject nations, witha retsriction that they more than half the chariot units must be the Spear/Javelin armed option.

    Does this seem reasonable?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by arcole.
    invisible officer

    That is exactly the way historians see the Hittite army. Heavy national chariots with long spears and allies / subjects that send light chariots with bowmen.

    The many Client kingdomy in palestine for example.

    Big Al

    As you probably know, the rules were designed to be used with scenarios and with existing figure collections. The army lists came along later because a number of players wanted them and asked. They are not necessary, but as you choose to use them, you can adjust them to suit your own ideas. What I mean is that if you read the introduction to the list books, the author Tesla you that the lists are just suggestions. They are not set in stone and you can change things as you see fit or feel is more in line with your own research for your army. It is not difficult to make a points adjustment for adding a bowman to a chariot crew or even creating a new type of unit to fit within the army.

    I would recommend that you explain it to your opponent, so that he doesn’t think you’re pulling a fast one, though. It is easy enough to show the proof of your research to him. Go ahead and do it. I wouldn’t object if I was playing against you.


    Thanks for the replies.

    I am in favour of the allied subject division, and am discussing this with my friends to ensure that they are in agreement.



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