How do you assemble plastic figures

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    Nigel Heather

    Just wondering how you assemble plastic infantry.

    Do you assemble completely and then paint. Or do you leave of some parts like weapons and heads, paint seperately and then assemble.

    As I see it, assembling first will result in stronger bond, opportunity to fill gaps and easier to get the pose right. The downside is painting is more difficult.

    Which do you prefer?



    Jason Dieter

    I usually assemble first and then paint. Most of the time if you can’t reach it with a brush you probably won’t see it while you’re playing. Honestly even when assembled you usually can reach all the spots you need to. Vehicles I paint and then assemble usually.

    Richard Coates

    There’s no one right answer here, just don’t do what I do and use it a reason to procrastinate. Generally I’d go with what Jason says; occasionally I’ll basecoat an arm before it is attached so I can get to the weapon easier, but honestly it probably won’t make much difference when they’re finished. Vehicles are a different matter, and anything goes, but ultimately a constructed model can be used while one in pieces waiting to be painted can’t.


    Same as above, depends on the figure/weapon.

    Mostly WW2 figures I assemble then paint.

    Pre-basecoating the inside is a good idea.

    Fred Cartwright

    I assemble them first, then paint. Having got used to painting metal figures that are single piece castings I never saw the need to do otherwise. For vehicles I will assemble most of it, but often leave things like tracks loose, so they are easier to paint. Also I paint crew separately then glue them in when th vehicle is complete.

    Dr Dave

    1. Assemble the torso, arms, weapons, legs etc
    2. Paint heads and packs on the sprue – this is important
    3. Pain the torso piece
    4. Remove packs and heads from sprue
    5. Remove paint to allow the poly cement to bind the plastic and glue packs
    6. Glue heads last

    This sequence means 2 things
    1. You don’t get paint on the packs and it avoids overspill of paint on necks and collars
    3. Putting the heads on LAST means you can make sure the soldier is looking down the sights – or where hs firing! It’s odd the see a figure firing and he’s looking somewhere else!

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