How many times can a unit fire in one full game turn?

Home Forums Historical Black Powder How many times can a unit fire in one full game turn?

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  • #189781
    Dr Dave

    I know, I know – you’re all thinking “just once, derrrr!”

    So try this.

    1. A unit of arty fires in its fire phase (shot 1)
    2. In the enemy initiative phase a light cav unit charges across the front of the same arty and so catches some traversing fire (shot 2)
    3. Then, in the enemy order phase an infantry unit charges the guns and catches closing fire (shot 3)

    so 3 shots in one full game turn. Is that right?


    pg 55, last line 1st (left) column and the first line of the 2nd (center) column, if you conduct traversing fire you cant then conduct closing fire (points 2 & 3)

    So yes its once per player turn (or twice per round / game turn)…. the 2nd column on pg 55 makes it clear that is intended.

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Nat.
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