IJN Yubari light cruiser discussion: viable?

Home Forums Historical Victory At Sea IJN Yubari light cruiser discussion: viable?

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    Hey guys,

    Do you think Warlord games will give us an official IJN Yubari model eventually? I think that it probably won’t happen for awhile, they have not even made the Brooklyns, Des Moines, Sendais, or even the Atlantas yet. Which is why I made my own stat card for it (I’ll share it if requested) and found a 3d printable model.

    And secondly, how viable do you think it would be to run? Just looking at it’s historical use and my own homebrewed stats, (which I have not tested yet) I would imagine that it would function like a destroyer killer, hunting down those pesky DDs with its light gun armament, and using it’s torps and speed as a deterrent against larger ships. On paper it wouldn’t quite be a “destroyer-on-steroids”, because of it’s small torpedo armament. But it would probably be a good cheap unit to run, and a lot of fun for a Guadalcanal campaign.




    Yubari had official stats… Found in the rulebook

    She is just a big destroyer… And costed as such


    Yubari is amazing and probably the best of the IJN’s ultralight cruisers (although the others are also very good and frequently underestimated).

    7″ Agile move with 2+ armor and light guns makes her an utter terror as a DD leader / killer. Also, she can be followed by 2-3 Long Lance destroyers for a torpedo run on enemy capitals and suffer the enemy fire while laying smoke for her brood, and you don’t care if she dies because she’s cheap as hell.



    WHAT?!?!?!? Man how did I not know this? I’ve been digging around for months now, sifting through Youtube videos, and lurking around forums, and there’s not been one mention of the Yubari. I stand corrected lol, maybe this is a sign that I should finally get the $55 dollar rulebook….. Although I think that money would be better spent, i’m trying to get into Bolt Action right now and I have the tiny starter rulebook that comes in the battle for the Pacific set.

    Many thanks guys!

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