Inexperienced platoons

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    I have a game coming up, US vs DAK in tunisia, and decided that as an experiment I would like to use a lot of inexperienced unit, never having seen anyone use them.

    I am thinking a 1st Lt, 3 rifle sections (12), 3 MMG, a Light Mortar, Bazooka and Light howitzer, all inexperienced, plus Captain, Air observer, Jeep with MMG and sherman all regular (14 dice)

    My opponent will probably have mostly regular units, plus maybe a veteran tank – maybe 9-10 dice.

    Any thoughts?


    Inexperienced troops have 3 issues…
    low Ld – 8 pins before they break
    poor shooting – suffer a -1 to hit in addition to all other modifiers, so never hit better than a 4+ unless they get within 6″…
    Easier to wound – that 3+ to wound them means a lot more casualties

    EDIT – dont look at Russian Tournament lists then… 1 free unit + 3 or 4 small units of penal guys (@20 points for 5) to bring the dice pool up and not take up a lot of points for the stuff that actually can hurt people… one of the reasons for tournaments having dice limits!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Nat.
    Jan Doernte

    Oh yeah! You need a major! Otherwise you’ll be failing order tests galore!

    I know from experience!

    Sorry-missed that you wrote “captian” before I posted

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Jan Doernte.
    Greg S

    I only used inexperienced troops in my -partisans list. Then my 20 man pistyol-wielding squad is either deadly in HTH or takes one pin and sits still for the rest of the game:)


    Played the game yesterday. Opponent had 1st Lt, 3 rifle sections, MMG, Medium Mortar, Flak 38, Sdkfz 222 (all regular) and a veteran panzer IV F2 in scenario 9.

    He chose to defend, and I think that was a mistake. High point for the germans was destroying an MMG. However the flood of US moving forward gave him too many targets to choose from. As I was always going first I used the command teams to push quantity forwards, and the Captain prooved an excellent buy. The officer morale bonus generally compensated for the poorer morale. US fire and move also mitigated the poorer shooting. The panzer IV made 1 move on the table, missed and then the sherman blew it up.

    In the end I captured all three objectives and destroyed 5 enemy units for the cost of 1 MMG and about 9 other infantry.

    Definitely a good day for the Yanks!

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