Japanese Grenadier Squad question

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Japanese Grenadier Squad question


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    The description of the squad from the Armies of Japan book states

    ” …  The Type B’ grenadier infantry squad was composed of 16 men: an NCO (usually a corporal or Go-Cho) armed with a rifle or (rarely) a submachine gun, and 15 riflemen armed with Asikara Type 38 or 39 rifles. Additionally, three riflemen carried the famous knee mortar.  …”

    The composition section states

    “Up to 3 men can have a light mortar for +25pts each – for each light mortar included, another man becomes the loader.

    My Japanese Starter box shows a mortarman with a rifle on his back.  The description also indicates he carried both and the composition section is not clear on it.  For our local group my opponents have no problem with my mortarman having both weapons and being able to use one or the other.  What is the official Warlord ruling on these as I am considering using them in a tournament ?




    I asked this question several years ago.  Here’s Lorenzo Pala’s reply:

    Good afternoon.     Yes you can decide to fire with the rifles instead.     No, the whole squad fires at the same target.     Kind regards,     Lorenzo  
                  Sun, 5 May at  2:16 AM
                  ,  herbstine   wrote:
     In the Japanese Army Book, IJA Grenadier Squad,  there's a descriptor that says "Additionally, three riflemen carries the famous knee mortar - the Type 89 grenade launcher."  My question is: If the rifleman doesn't fire the knee mortar, can he use his rifle?  I believe it should be yes, as I have several books that have period pictures of Japanese soldiers equipped with both, as well as photos of the 89 being fired almost horizontally, with & without assistant. 
     Also, can the knee mortar fire at a different target from the rest of the squad?
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Greg.
    Stuart Harrison

    Lorenzo is incorrect on the splitting fire question, see the last para of the indirect fire rules, p72.  That provision was missing in first editon, added in FAQ, then written into the rules for second edition.


    He sent that reply to my query in May 2019.


    Greg, I would edit your post ASAP to take out that email if you still use it, or every single internet bot will be spamming you soon.



    Thanks for the head’s up!


    Thanks, tried searching for mortar in the forum but got no results.  Now I need to decide if I want to use them in an upcoming local game store tourney or use my soviets.


    Go forth and slay!

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