Japanese Starter Set Questions

Home Forums Historical Cruel Seas Japanese Starter Set Questions

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  • #175763

    1st off sorry if these questions have been asked before, So I have my copy of the rulebook (with a Kiesmarine officer on the bottom right front corner) and my Japanese starter fleet is on order….

    However – the starter box comes with 6 suicide boats but the rule book says you should only take 1 unit of 3!  whats the point in having 6?

    Then the hard questions… how do they work! the rules say use the same as the Linse boats – that is 2 have to stay within 30cm of the command one, which if removed removes all 3 boats – so which one is the command when all 3 are the same, and why if they are all the same does losing one kill the other 2 yet if one of the ‘non command’ dies then the other two carry on as normal?

    The Maru-ni,  are they just the same as shin’yo dispite having depth charges?  can I attempt to attack with the DCs instead of ramming?  what about their MG?


    Kamikaze planes – 35 points for an inexperienced pilot with 1 bomb

    would I be right in thinking that I need to fly over the target then hope that the defender doesnt get a single 6 (as 1 forces a disengage) … after that I’ll need to get a 4 or less to actually HIT!

    (<5 starting point, +2 point blank, -2 inexp crew, -2 shooting vessal at full speed, +1 kamikaze)  with to possibllity of it being a 5 if going against a large or 6/7 if they are at slow /stationary.


    More Questions –

    I know its been asked before, but not answered…. so here’s the question again.

    When shooting at ships do Shin’yo rockets suffer -3 to hit or -4? 

    ‘normal’ rockets suffer -1 when shooting at land targets & -2 when shooting as naval targets, so with the wording of shin-yo’s suffering -3 instead of the normal -1 do they suffer an extra -1?


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