Johnny Weird Eyes

Home Forums Science Fiction & Fantasy 2000 AD Johnny Weird Eyes

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  • #171841
    Tostig Godwinson

    I’m late to the SD party – I was holding out until Dredd came out until I found out they were compatible.

    As I’m sitting down to teach myself the the rules I try to predict any stuff that could become an ‘issue’ and the first thing that has occurred is ‘Johnny Weird Eyes’ – it seems to me that Johnny could simply remain out of sight and shoot folks with impunity.

    it doesn’t seem possible to ‘fire blind’ into areas where opponents are suspected so how can this be counteracted beyond eventually getting to him. As a tactic ‘hiding Johnny’ would seen likely to get old fast.

    Otherwise the game has a good feel so far despite my general wariness of games that use special dice. The way stats can be combined to build variations on weapons really hits the nail on the head for sci-fi flavoured games.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Tostig Godwinson. Reason: Edited for speling and auto completely
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Tostig Godwinson.

    You can blow holes in terrain pretty easily (p31), so even Johnny can’t hide forever. Blast weapons also can be fired in ways that get behind terrain.
    Also, since he IS the hero, Johnny is just better than everyone else.

    Tostig Godwinson

    Thanks again.

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