Less experienced passengers firing weapons from more experienced vehicles ?

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Less experienced passengers firing weapons from more experienced vehicles ?

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    Hey guys,
    I hope the title points towards the question.

    Somewhere, and unfortunately I can’t remember where I had read it, there was an explicit “don’t do this” regarding inexperienced troops firing weapond from regular or even veteran vehicles, as the the whole vehicle is threated as beeing equivalent to the least experienced passengers carried.

    At the moment I can’t find the source of this rule. In case I remember this right, please can you point me to the corresponding paragraph from the rules book or page of the forums, FAQ, whatever?!

    Thank you very much in advance!

    Stuart Harrison

    It’s actually a case of one weapon firing at the vehicle’s experience, pins etc, any remaining weapons fire at the passenger’s experience, pins etc. There is no rider about having to use the worst passengers, so if there were multiple passenger units you’d be able to choose who mans the extra guns.

    p114, Vehicles, Transport Vehicles, Role of Transports, third para.

    Tim Haslam


    Troops can shoot from transport?
    I must have missed something…

    Greg S

    Troops can shoot from transport?
    I must have missed something…

    Only the transport’s weapons.

    Stuart Harrison

    Greg is correct – the embarked troops are only firing the additional weapons of the transport, not their own weapons. See the para I referenced above.

    Tim Haslam

    Ah, right, that I knew!
    Phew, thought I’d missed something for the last 8 years.

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