Lets see those planes! (Beware 512KB photo size limit)

Home Forums Historical Blood Red Skies Lets see those planes! (Beware 512KB photo size limit)

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  • #183347

    These Thunderbolts look great.


    Here some planes I finished recently

    A6M2 Zeros of the Tainan Kokutai. The V-103 is in the colours of the famous japanese IJN-ace Saburo Sakai.

    Fiat CR.32 of the Grupo 2-G-3 duringthe Spanish Civil War. Nationalistic forces. 3-51 is the plane of the spanish Ace Commandante Joaquin Garcia Morato.

    Heinkel He-51 of Legion Condor during the Spanish Civil War
    He51 Legion Condor

    Heinkel He-112 in nationalist-spanish-colours. I know only 2 kills done by spanish He-112: They were delivered after the republican air force was already destroyed so there was only one kill of a He-112 during the Civil War. Later during WW2 a spanish He-112 operating from the spanish colony in North Africa shot down a US-P-38.

    Ki-43 I of the IJA, 1st Sentai

    Ki-61 Ib of the IJA, 78th Sentai


    Here some pictures of my painted miniatures for Blood red Skies

    Tora Tora Tora



    All of my BRS-pictures (including some 3D prints) available here (Text in german):


    Emmanuel ROY

    Hi there,

    New on the forum but a big fan of BRS, I thought I’d share some pictures of my little planes.

    Starting with Mustangs. I love the way it is possible to change the colour scheme of Mustangs while keeping some uniformity :



    Emmanuel ROY


    I thought I’d share somes photos with you.

    Starting with Mustangs, quite a lot of them. I love the way it is possible to vary colours on Mustangs while retaining uniformity :

    Let me know what you think !


    I have this on one of the stands I built for BRS in 1/72 but don’t plan to do a whole squadron of them.   There’s a little more about it on my blog: https://paintingdistractions.wordpress.com/2020/04/15/ground-support/



    Greg S

    92 Squadron RAF




    Well, I took the plunge and picked up a resin printer. Some Lightnings.


    Those look great – what paint did you use for the aluminium – mine always seems to go dull?


    Nice one indeed.

    I don’t know what Steve’s used but I’m pretty happy with the Vallejo metal paint from the Air range.

    I used Chrome Metallic 71064 for my Mustangs.


    Here my A5M4 Claude from PlanePrinter 1/200 in the colours of the aircraft carrier Soryu during the war against China in 1939.

    The accurate decals are from miscmini.com. I needed full 4 hours to put the decals on the planes 🙂

    I painted them with Valleyo-silver and simply painted over the shining silver then Citadel Nuln Oil. The result is a dull aluminium.

    EDIT: I also attached a picture with the early version of the G3M1 (with barrel shaped turrets).


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Babek.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Babek.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Babek.

    I used Krylon covermax metallic aluminum. It was a pain to work with, the acrylic paint kept beading up and I had to put several thin coats on. I used Vallejo and MiG metallics on on these, and I’ll be going back to them.


    Man these planes that I see here are so cool . well done thanks for sharing , here are my Zeros below




    Nice – love that panel lining

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