Painting: Lifeboat on Vosper MTB

Home Forums Historical Cruel Seas Painting: Lifeboat on Vosper MTB

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  • #178181


    I could find historical illustrations e.g. of Fairmiles MGB showing GREY lifeboats installed vertically on the side.

    To know for my painting Project – How about Vospers MTB, with lifeboat installed flat on the deck? Lifeboat with same colour like deck would make sense, but is it historical?

    Differences early and late war?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Laurence.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Laurence.
    Henry Higgins

    They were generally painted the same colour as the surface they were on, so rafts on decks might be dark grey, suspended on superstructure sides might be light grey. Lots of people like painting them yellow though to brighten up their models.



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